Proteins! By J, J & G
Basic Structure Monomer Amino Acids Organic molecules with both an amino group and a carboxyl group
Amino Acids!
Basic Structure Polymerize Yes… to form polypeptides! Dehydration Synthesis
HYDROPHILIC OR HYDROPHOBIC? THE SIDE CHAIN OF AMINO ACIDS DECIDES! Parts of the protein will be hydrophobic or hydrophilic The side chains of amino acids determine how the proteins fold- hydrophobic parts of the chain fold inward
Chaperonin Protein molecules that assist in the proper folding of proteins Keep the new polypeptide segregated from the cytoplasm Image retrieved from: onins&lang=1
Protein Sources Ultimate Nutrition Iso Sensation Choc Fudge Protein Powder (40 g per scoop)
Pork Chops (26 g per 3 oz. serving) Yellowfin Tuna (25 g per 3 oz. serving) Chicken Breast (24 g per 3 oz. serving) Steak (23 g per 3 oz. serving)
Greek Yogurt (23 g per 8 oz. serving) Cottage Cheese (14 g per 1/2 cup serving) Swiss cheese (8 g per 1 oz. serving) Eggs (6 g per 1 large egg)
Protein Functions in the Body Enzymatic Proteins: Selective acceleration of chemical reactions. Storage Proteins: Storage of all amino acids. Hormonal proteins: Coordination of an organism's activities.
Contractile and motor proteins: Movement Defensive proteins: Protection against disease Transport proteins: Transport of substances Receptor proteins: Response of cell to chemical stimuli. Structural proteins: Support