Endocrine system(s)
Hormones Chemicals that control/integrate body functions Steroid type – adrenal cortex and gonads Protein type – pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal medulla
Pituitary Posterior pituitary ADH – vasodepression Oxytocin – lactation, uterine contractions during parturition Anterior pituitary FSH and LH – gonadotropins Prolactin – lactation ACTH – adrenocortotropic TSH – thyroxin stimulator STH - growth
Pineal and Thyroid Pineal Melatonin production Thyroid metabolism
Parathyroid and Pancreas Parathyroid Regulates calcium levels Pancreas Insulin
Adrenal Adrenal Cortex Outside layer – Glucorticoids – glucose metabolism Mineralocorticoids – mineral metabolism Adrenal Medulla Epinephrine – (adrenaline) stress hormone Norepinephrine – maintains tone in blood vessels
Gonads Testoserone – male hormone Produced in testicles Sex characteristics Secondary sex glands – prostrate, cowpers, Estrogen– female hormone Mature ovarian follicles – stimulates ovulation Progesterone Ruptured follicle develops into a secondary structure Corpus luteum – prepares uterus for implantation and pregnancy maintenance
Gonads Relaxin – appears late in the pregnancy - relaxes muscles and ligaments in the pelvis, cervix and vagina
Gastrointestinal Hormones in the digestive tract are all related to digestive process Secretin – regulates bile and small intestine secretions Enterokinin – increases rate of secretion in small intestine Enterogastrone and cholecystokinin – relate to fat levels in the feed, slows down the rate of feed passage to promote digestion
Know the chart on page 123