West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust St Albans City & District Council Local Services Scrutiny Committee Thursday 4 April 2013 Samantha Jones - Chief Executive Louise Gaffney - Director of Strategy & Infrastructure West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Transport and Parking Listening Exercise
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Transport & Car Parking Background Parking and Transport Review Current Provision & Concessions Transport & Parking Policy Active Engagement - Listening Exercise Active Communications Next Steps
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Background People and places for services Activity flows & changes Transport Groups Herts wide transport options Commercial bus routes / companies Green travel plans Park and ride schemes Working with local authorities
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Parking and Transport Transport Future costs of services Use of service by staff Use of service by patients Other options Notice requirements Employer / Employee responsibilities Parking Review for new car park Demand analysis Benchmarking of costs Discussions with staff
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Current Car Parking Provision Looking Ahead: Opportunity with the council land at St Albans; Also, an additional parking deck option; Watford Health Campus new car park(2015); train/tube link (2016); interim creation of new parking options. Site/ TypePermitsBlue Badge Pay & Display Drop Off Totals Hemel St Albans Watford ,462
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust WGH site map to show parking
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust New Car Park Plans Proposals from ‘Parking Techniques’ for Watford General: Increase visitor parking by 29% Increase blue badge parking by 96% Increase staff parking by 4% No change in drop off provision In numerical terms: Staff: 1026 Visitor: 500 Blue Badge 100 Drop off/wait 35Total : 1,661
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Current Concessions (March 2013) Concession Type (full list available on request)Current position Disabled Users – Blue Badge Holder issued by local authorityAllocated bays Any P&D Free Frequent User - People attending more than once per day or more than twice per week for up to 4 weeks. £4/day £8/week Long Term User - People attending more than twice per week for a period in excess of 4 weeks. £24/month Active Carer - People who are actively participating in rehab/care of their loved one who is an inpatient. £4/day £8/week Volunteer Driver – Drivers using their own vehicle or driving a charity vehicle whilst only claiming their costs of motoring Free permit signed in/out each day
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Cost Increases Staff Car Parking -As from March 2013 staff parking is charged at 0.07% of staff basic salary. Concessions available to staff not directly employed by the Trust. This is an increase from 0.05% in Feb Based on current information, it is proposed that a further increase of 0.01% will be added from 1 January 2014 to reach a ceiling of 0.08%. This is linked to the proposed car parking financial requirements of the new car park.
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Transport & Parking Policy Accessibility of travel options –Inter site transport free to ease transition of changes in service reconfiguration WHHT not obliged to provide Notice period : 20 working days Discussions in transport group
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Active Listening CEO decision to conduct listening exercise regarding transport and parking Listening exercise first of its kind locally Need to find a way of covering costs Independent review & analysis of results WHHT will publish information and its decision by end of May 2013.
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Active Communications Promotion pre and post release: Trust Website – internet and intranet By hand across all sites In all outpatient departments, all sites On windscreens of cars Radio, newspapers, twitter etc Local authority and community groups Reply paid returns & boxes on all sites
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust Thank You