Signs to set the tone and manage the learning day
Let’s make learning comfortable
We warmly welcome First name Last name
Nature calls…
Boss made you come to training?
Have a lot on your mind?
Smile. It’s contagious.
Dare to color outside the lines.
Learning is less like a massage…
… and more like exercise.
There are no stupid questions!
How shall we handle phones & texting? Your call...
Sorry, time to turn it off.
You’ve got . Can it wait?
Need coffee?
Are you all still with me?
Need a pick-me-up?
Still fuzzy?
What have I left out?
Diversity makes the world go ‘round.
My most important training memories are…
This is just a sampling of the 60 slides that comprise Transitions for Training! Add Transitions for Training to your shopping cart for many more useful slides for training purposes.