Javier: ¿Vas a correr conmigo, o no? Ana: Sí, voy a correr contigo. Ir + a + infinitive Javier: ¿Vas a correr conmigo, o no? Ana: Sí, voy a correr contigo.
Just as you use “going” + an infinitive in Ir + a + infinitive Just as you use “going” + an infinitive in English to say what you are going to do, in Spanish you use a form of the verb ir + a + an infinitive to express the same thing:
I’m going to play tennis today. ¿Tú vas a jugar al golf esta tarde? Ir + a + infinitive Voy a jugar al tenis hoy. I’m going to play tennis today. ¿Tú vas a jugar al golf esta tarde? Are you going to play golf this afternoon? Mis amigas van a ir de cámping mañana. My friends are going camping tomorrow.
Why do we need to know this? Ir + a + infinitive So what’s the big idea? Why do we need to know this? It’s simple…. IR + A + INFINITIVE HELPS US TALK ABOUT THE FUTURE!
PREGUNTAS Voy a _____ una novela. A. leo B. lees C. comprar D. compro
Victoria va a ____ una guitarra. toca toco tocar toce
Which part of the IR + A + infinitive formula is missing? Vamos bailar en las fiestas.
Which part of the IR + A + infinitive formula is missing? Tengo que a bailar en las fiestas.
Say the following things. We are going to do homework. They are going to study. I am going to practice Spanish.
Say the following things. They are going to read. We are going to do the homework. I am going to listen to the teacher.