FOOTPRINTS LEARNING INTENTION: To show who and what is important to me through creating a personal shield. STARTER: Glue the two sheets you have been given into your book. If possible, glue the larger sheet (the year planner) to the inside front cover of your book.
Expanding World Draw a circle in the middle of your page and write in ME. Now think about the next circle – who became important to you when you were first aware of the world? Write this in the circle. Now more circles – think about how your world has expanded as you have got older. Each ring should represent the growing number of people, groups and organisations that impact on your life.
DESIGNING YOUR OWN SHIELD: Your task is to create a shield that represents you! Your shield will have the following sections: Family Sports/hobbies/likes Values/belief/religion The country/countries you identify with A quote/motto that you live by
Instructions… Follow these steps to create your shield: 1. Brainstorm ideas and images that you could include in each section. Think about what is important to you. You can either put one large image or several smaller images in each section of your shield. 2. Draft the shield into your SOS book. Use a whole page. 3. Complete the final version of your shield on the A4 page provided by the teacher. Please take time in presenting this work and make it look great! We will display these in the classroom.
HOMEWORK Finish colouring and completing my personal shield. DUE ON MONDAY 13 TH FEB.
SUCCESS CRITERIA: Did you complete your circle diagram? Did you design and begin your personal shield? Have you written down your homework in your diary? IF SO, WELL DONE!
TO FINISH… Turn to a partner, and explain to them the design you have chosen for one section of your shield. Make sure you explain the reasons for the symbols/colours/images that you have chosen for that section.