In 1933, 500,000 Jews lived in Germany Held many important positions in government and Germany’s greatest universities Of the 38 Nobel Prizes won by Germans, 14 of them went to Jews April 1, 1933 was the first, planned, nationwide action against them: a boycott of Jewish businesses
Nazis claimed it was an act of revenge against Jews and foreigners who criticized them Signs where posted saying “don’t buy from Jews” and “Jews are our misfortune” The nationwide boycott was not very successful and only lasted a day However, a week later, Jewish government workers, teachers of public schools, and universities were fired
Roughly 9 million Jewish people were in countries to be occupied by Germany. 2000 years ago Romans pushed them from Israel. Relocated in primarily Christian Europe. Not only religious, but economic injustices were common. Pogroms were violent attacks, murders, and mobs on Jewish people and neighborhoods. Do To Many Cultural & Religious Differences, Jew’s Were Often Discriminated Against.
Jewish Life in Europe before the Holocaust: php?ModuleId= php?ModuleId= Antisemitism: php?ModuleId= php?ModuleId=
The Nuremberg law said that, weather you followed Jewish believes or not, if you have three or four Jewish grandparents you were defined as a Jew People who converted to Christianity found themselves caught by the Nazi terror During the 1936 Olympic games, Hitler demanded the “Jews unwelcome” signs be taken down to avoid international criticism and the games being moved to another county
All Jewish ID cards were stamped with a “J” and they were given a new middle name if theirs didn’t sound Jewish
In April 7, 1933, Hitler began to purge the Jews from various spheres of society. In August 17, 1938, Jews women and men required to add “Sara” or “Israel” to their names by the German government. In 1939, the German government conducted a census of all people living in Germany, punched the information into coded cards. The cards were sorted and counted by the Hollerith machine, an early type of modern computer invented by a German-American engineer, Herman Hollerith. The information in 1939 helped the Nazi know how many Jews lived in Germany. In September 19, 1941, all Jews over six-year-old in Germany required to wear a yellow six- pointed star with the word "Jude" (German for "Jew") across the front in black, sewn to their outer clothing at all times.
Jewish refugees left Germany on route to Cuba. They were planning on eventually migrating to the United States. They were all on a waiting list for U.S. citizenship when the St. Louis reached the port of Havana, the President of Cuba refused to honor the documents. Hundreds of passengers who disembarked in Belgium, the Netherlands, and France eventually fell victim to the Nazi "Final Solution."