How do you build an ad campaign?. Phrases 1. 用媒体做广告 use the media to advertise 2. 为了公众或公众福利的利益 for the benefit of the public or public welfare 3. 考虑做某事.


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Presentation transcript:

How do you build an ad campaign?

Phrases 1. 用媒体做广告 use the media to advertise 2. 为了公众或公众福利的利益 for the benefit of the public or public welfare 3. 考虑做某事 think of doing sth 4. 发起关于社会问题的广告运动 launch an ad campaign about social concernslaunch 5. 建立广告运动 buildbuild an ad campaign

 Start sth big  The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150,000.  The Canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal.

 develop or form  She had built a reputation as a lawyer.  She's been busy building her career.  Ross took twenty years to build up his business.

6. 各种各样的广告 VariousVarious kinds of ads 7. 到达一定的观众 Reach a particular audienceparticular 8. 脑中有 … Have sth in mind 9. 明确的目标和目的观众 A clear goal and target audience 10. 确定观众 Determine Determine the audience

 这封信里没什么特别重要的内容。  There was nothing in the letter of particular importance.  故事就发生在那一天。  The story happened on that particular day.  个人特有的兴趣  one's particular interests  我不怎么讲究我的衣服,我不在乎穿。  I'm not particular about my clothes; I don't mind what I wear.  in particular 特别地

several different types of sth:  The jacket is available in various colors.  有各种各样的颜色可供选择。  There are various colors to choose from.  The reasons why teenagers like QQ are many and various.  Vary: flowers vary in color and size

 find out the facts about something  Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.  How hard the swimmers work now will determine how they perform in the Olympics.

11. 迎合 Appeal to sth / sb 12. 关心 Care about sth 13. 关心,认为 … 更重要 Be concerned with 14. 传达信息 Get your message across ( to sb. ) 15. 汇集,组装 Put sth together

1. reach a particular audience… (line 2) 价格平稳上涨到历史纪录水平。 Prices rose steadily to reach record levels. 孩子们已经到了能够照顾自己的年龄了。 The kids have reached the age when they can care for themselves. Step Two: Language Focuses

After a long discussion, we _______ ______ ___________ on what steps we should take in the next three months.( 达成理解) 达成一致意见 / 一致决定 reach an agreement / decision reached anunderstanding

2 In order to determine … (line 11) determine:decide firmly/find out Eg.We haven ’ t determined when to leave. Can you determine the meaning of the word? determine on/upon: We determined on an early start. determine to do sth. He determined to learn French. determined: ~ to do sth. We _____ ______ _______ adopt his suggestion. ( 决定) aredeterminedto

3 appeal to the way … (line 19) 迎合  The programme appeals to young children.  Does the idea of working for our company appeal to you?  你有没有兴趣到我们公司来工作 ?  政府呼吁每个人节约用水。  The government is appealing to everyone to save water.

4 be concerned with…(line 23) be concerned with: a. believing that something is important  Many politicians are more concerned with power and control than with the good of the people.  b. be about Her latest article is concerned with Taiwan Issues.

2. caring about someone and whether they are happy and healthy  He was genuinely concerned for/about the children. 3 As far as traffic is concerned there are no delays at the moment. As far as Americans are concerned, a lot of our hotels are below average.

N. 这事与我无关。 It's no concern of mine.  总经理心里想的全是如何提高产品质量。  The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.  护士对病人的关心  a nurse's concern for a sick man  她很为你担心。  She showed great concern about you.

5 what approach you want to … (line 28)  提出一个新教语言的方法  present a new approach to teaching languages  冬天快到了, 天气要转冷了。  The approach of winter brings cold weather.  所有道路都堵塞了。  All approaches were blocked.  和陌生人打交道  making approaches to strangers