S5- 1 Fundamentalists
S5- 2 Fundamentalist Group For the past three months, stories and rumors have been circulating that a secret religious fundamentalist group with political ambition revolutionaries and with some strength has been forming. Efforts by the police and other organizations have been unsuccessful in uncovering any evidence that such a group exists.
S5- 3 Fundamentalist Group (Continued) Meanwhile, a barefooted Zealot has been moving from one small village to another expressing a religious revolution. Elements of the sensational press in the U.K. and Germany have begun to cite him as a threat to the government. The police report he is simply a deranged individual with no following.
S5- 4 Fundamentalist Group (Continued) A public controversy has emerged with divided opinions on how to treat the Zealots and to investigate news accounts and uncorrorbated stories of various underground fundamentalist movements. A Turkish secular newspaper publishes an article on alleged massive flows of funds from Iran and others supporting fundamentalist aims in Albania. Western embassies have begun to make discreet queries about these stories.