Punic Wars
Roman Expansion After the defeat of Tarquin and the Etruscans were kicked out, Rome began forming alliances with its neighbours. Soon, they spread their influence and conquered the rest of Italy. They established alliances and started to conquer regions to the north.
To keep peace and control conquered lands, the Romans: Made everyone citizens and gave them rights Made them use Latin and follow Roman laws, BUT could also keep their traditions and follow their own religion. In return, the Romans would: Establish military colonies Build roads and other structures
Gradually, the Romans began to expand their control…
Meanwhile, another city-state was growing rapidly Carthage – in the North of Africa. (Tunis today)
Rome and Carthage were never friends…suddenly Rome realized that Carthage was in control of 3 of its neighbouring islands. Too close for Roman comfort! It would interfere with trade. Rome decided Carthage should join their republic.
1st Punic War (264 – 241 BCE) Carthage didn’t want to join Rome, so they fought for 23 years. To stop the fighting, Carthage offered Rome the island of Sicily. Rome took it…and Sardinia and Corsica.
Carthage was furious, but they were tired of fighting Rome. Instead they attacked Spain to make up for lost territory. General Hamilcar Barca and his son went to Spain. The son promised his father that one day he would get revenge on Rome!
This promise began the legendary military career of … Hannibal
Over the following years, Hannibal Barca became a strong leader. A few years after the death of his father, he was named the new GENERAL!
Hannibal Conquered Spain He attacked some “friends of Rome” in Spain Rome decided to get involved to limit Carthaginian expansion and protect their trade interests. This was fine with Hannibal: Punic War TAKE two!
In the years leading up to the first Punic War, Roman’s realized that their army was very strong on land, but not sea. They invented the “Raven” or Corvus, a bridge which allowed soldiers onto enemy boats to battle on deck.
corv us This allowed them to fight as if they were on land.
Second Punic War BCE
The Second Punic War 218 BCE- 202BCE 218 BCE – Romans became suspicious of Carthage’s growing influence in the Mediterranean. Hannibal was on a mission - wanted to capture Rome – he captured even more cities on the Spanish coast “Sneaky plan” – a sudden invasion on the Italian peninsula from the north – Romans thought they were safe due to the towering Alps. Hannibal attacked by land (instead of sea) with 60 elephants, 40,000 infantry, 8,000 cavalry.
Crippling Peace... for now… In the end, Hannibal won many battles but after 11 years of fighting Romans were able to win the Battle of Zama – Hannibal’s only defeat in his military career. Surrendering it’s fleet and empire, Carthage asked for peace. It signed a peace treaty and agreed to pay Rome talents 50 times a year. Hannibal fled and committed suicide.
Third Punic War: BCE Carthage violated the peace treaty with Rome by building up its military. Furious, Rome decided they must be destroyed once and for all. Rome destroyed Carthage once and for all: robbed and burned the city, killed and enslaved the people, and salted the earth so nothing would ever grow again!
The Effects of the Punic Wars 1. Rome had an empire, with territories in North Africa, Spain, Gaul, and Italy 2. Much of the empire felt UNIFIED. 3. Senate had gained even more power throughout the wars. 4. Slaves from conquered lands took the work from the poor labourers and farmers. 5. New cultures started to influence Rome. 6. Greece had fought with Carthage as an ally…now Rome started to look East.
7. Rome became the MOST powerful nation 8. Controlled Sicily, Corsica, Spain, and North Africa 9. By 120’s BCE – it controlled parts of Gaul (France), Greece, and parts of Asia 10. Very influenced by Greek literature, art, philosophy, religion, and education
Three Wars Using pages in the Prologue to the Present text Answer the following questions for each of the Punic Wars 1.How long did the war last? 2.What led to the break out of war? 3.What was the outcome? 4.What was responsible for the victory/defeat? 5.Major Battles 6.Name any important people mentioned.
Rome won…and went on to conquer the rest of the Mediterranean world.