Interactive Multimedia Games Development COM631 Assignment 2 overview
Assignment weighing & submission deadlines 100% Coursework
Submission Deadlines Assignment 1 08/10/13 (Week 3) Assignment 2 29/10/13 (Week 6) Assignment 3 10/12/13 (Week 12)
Assignments Overview Three individual assignments with a progressive common theme (Game design) Awareness, assess and critically evaluate Propose Plan and design Implement
Assignment 2 Overview Assignment 2: Creation of an abbreviated game design document (Preproduction) Total available marks 35 Individual assignment Assignment 2 Due 29/10/13 (Week 6) Example document here
Assignment 2 (Preproduction) Create an abbreviated game design document for the game level/app you will create in Unity for Assignment 3 Structure is based on template/examples supplied Report generated should follow the format given as closely as possible, example document hereexample document here Be realistic on time constraints You must pitch your game to the class in a formal presentation
Assignment 2 Guidelines The document should follow the game design document structure provided and also include accompanying support material Description of level theme/game/app Level/app design concept development material (including rough sketches/photographs) Level layout design diagram (Level blueprint) and game board (as appropriate) Consideration of in-world economy Model of game/in-world economy App store description
Assignment 2 Output Report, supporting material and class presentation Submission Guidelines for report As required following format/template given Submission Guidelines for presentation Powerpoint presentation of appropriate length Submission Details Assignments should be submitted on day of presentation
Assignment 2 Deliverables Hard copy of game design document Copy of game model in Excel CDROM containing digital copy of all report/presentation and supporting material Presentation/pitch to class in week 6
Level blueprint & game board Level blueprint and game board from Level Design for Games, Phil Co
App store description
Game modeling
Game modeling
Assignment 2 Mark Allocation
Interactive Multimedia Games Development COM631 Assignment 2 overview