+ Carrie Hibbs Paris, Arkansas
+ Assignments in CIED 1003: Introduction to Technology in Education Goal Statement 1.5/1.5 out of 1.5 Search Engine 4/4 out of 4 Using Mullins Library to find Articles 4/4 out of 4 Google Scholar 6/6 out of 6 Teacher Tube Assignment x/6 out of 6 Using Excel to Create a Grade Book x/8 out of 8 Excel Project x/7 out of 7 Challenge Excel Assignment x/4 out of 4 Excel- Creating a Chart or Graph x/11 out of 11 Using Prezi x/13 out of 13 Weebly Web Page x/17 out of 17 Class Newsletter x/22 out of 22 Newsletter Fun x/28.5 out of 28.5 PowerPoint x/24 out of 24 E-Portfolio x/42 out of 42
+ Class Newsletter