How to use this presentation template This template has been created by the Health Promotion Agency. It is for use by people who work in the transport industry and want to promote health and wellness in their workplace. Use the template to create a presentation for management or representatives in your industry to gain support for championing a sitting less standing more programme. The amount of time sitting varies from industry to industry and between different jobs. This resource has been designed so that you can tailor the title page and remove content that is not relevant to your workplace. There are also blank slides where you can insert your own content (eg, link to existing health plans). Delete this instructions page once you have finished tailoring the template. The template is available free from
Why encourage staff/our industry to sit less and stand more? This is an easy no-cost or low-cost programme that will benefit our workplace through: Healthier staff - less risk of chronic health diseases and musculoskeletal disorders and injuries More energy and less fatigue More productive staff Improved wellbeing
Everyone can benefit from sitting less and standing more
Did you know? Long periods of sitting: Slows the body’s metabolism, affecting the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and the breakdown of body fat Is a risk factor for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease
Did you know? Changes in our lifestyles and modern technologies mean we are all sitting more. Kiwis sit for at least eight hours each day. People can meet recommendations for physical activity e.g. by playing sports or going to the gym regularly, but can still sit for long periods of time. Being physically active may not offset the effects of time spent sitting.
What will it involve for our industry? Identify key people to be champions Identify what changes we can easily implement Identify what long-term changes need to be made (eg consider scheduling to allow drivers to stand-up more) Develop a plan Raise awareness with staff Make the changes Sustain the changes and celebrate success.
Practical ideas Have lunch or coffee breaks standing up Display posters or in-vehicle prompts to remind staff to sit less and move more Taxi drivers - stand to open doors and help customers with their luggage Bus drivers – stand in breaks between runs Include ‘Sit less, stand more’ messages in industry magazines Organise staff challenges such as pedometer and step challenges Hold stand up meetings (they are quicker too)