Vital Signs—Pulse: Everyone Needs One Health Science CScroggins, MSN, RN
Definition Pulse: pressure of the blood against an artery wall---as the heart contracts & relaxes. Pulses---most readily palpated in arteries which are close to the skin. HCP uses 2 fingers to press the artery against a bone.
How do I locate a pulse? Pulses---most readily palpated in arteries which are close to the skin. HCP uses 2 fingers to press the artery against a bone.
Increased pulse rate Causative factors? Pair up Quickly identify at least 3 causes for an increased pulse rate Go!
Answers: Factors which elevate the pulse rate: Exercise Illness Anxiety Medications Shock Pain
Decrease in Pulse Rate Causative Factors Pair Up Identify at least 3 factors which decrease the pulse rate--- Go!
Answers: Factors which Decrease the pulse: Some medications Depression Extremely fit athletic types (NO Steroids allowed!!!)
Locations of Pulse Points Temporal Carotid Brachial Radial Femoral Popliteal Dorsalis Pedis Posterior Tibial
Pulse Characteristics Rate Rhythm Force
Normal Parameters: Adults Adults: BPM (beats / minute) Adult Males: BPM Adult Females: BPM
Pediatric Norms Infants (< 1 yr): BPM Children ages 1-7: BPM Children > 7yrs: BPM
Grading Pulse Force 0 = Absent…you’ve got trouble right here in River City. 1+ = Weak, thready 2+ = Normal pulsation 3+ = Full, bounding
Relevant terms Tachycardia Bradycardia Pulse Deficit
Info about the Apical Pulse When do I take an Apical Pulse? Location: 5 th LICS---MCL How Do I Count the Apical Pulse? Place stethoscope at the 5 th LICS….MCL
Questions When do I take an Apical Pulse? What causes the lub-dub sound? Partner Up and Discuss Share your answers
Answers When do I take an Apical Pulse? Irregular heartbeat, weak, rapid radial pulses, children/infants, those on certain meds. What causes the lub-dub sound? Closing of heart valves as blood flows through heart chambers. What causes the lub-dub sound?
Practice Obtain these pulse rates on your partner Apical Radial Try to find the brachial, dorsalis pedis & posterior tibial