This is a cartoon picture of Jupiter!!!
Jupiter is the 5 th planet from the sun. True fact: You could fit all the other planets in side Jupiter and still have extra room!
Jupiter known as Zeus in Greece over threw his father Saturn to become king of the gods. He then split the universe with his brothers Neptune and Pluto. True fact: If you travel to Jupiter on vacation you would be very heavy!
Jupiter has at least moons!
3 facts 6 probes have already visited Jupiter. Jupiter’s great red spot is where a giant storm has been raging for at least 300 years ! Jupiter is not solid like Earth. It is a huge ball of gases. Distance from the sun:778 million km. Jupiter rotates every 9 hours and 50 minutes. Its days are about 10 hours long!
This is Jupiter’s symbol
NASA has sent several space craft to Jupiter the first one was called pioneer 10.
The space craft Galileo orbited Jupiter for 8 years. It is still observed by the Hubble space telescope today.