INTRODUCTION Do you know what the most interesting planet is? I’ll tell you. It is Jupiter! Jupiter is a gas giant made out of hydrogen and helium. The outside is liquid hydrogen and on the inside it has Metallic hydrogen with an ice and rock core. That is just the beginning.
Fast Facts The big red spot is as wide as two earths It is the biggest planet in our Solar System Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet Jupiter means Zeus in Greek
MOONS Do you know how many moons Jupiter has? It has at least sixty-three moons! The Galiean moons are lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Next the inner moons are Metis, Adrastes, Amalthea, and Thebe. I know that’s a lot so far but there’s still more! Now for the Outer moons. There is ledar, Himaila, lvsithea, Pasiphae, Elura, Sinor, Ananka, and Curme.
SIZE Jupiter is so big that all the other seven planets could easily fit in side Jupiter. Jupiter is three hundred and seventeen times bigger then earth.
SPEED Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet. That means that one day is just ten hours long, or it goes around one time in ten hours. As well, did you know that Jupiter spins so fast, it causes a magnetic field at its poles. One year is equal to twelve earth years, in other words, it takes Jupiter one hundred and forty four earth months to go around the Sun.