Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth By: Samantha Walker
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is by far the biggest.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth Jupiter’s Interior is made up mostly of liquid hydrogen and 10% helium. The inners layers of hydrogen are in a state that has never been produced on Earth. On Earth hydrogen is not a metal, but under the extreme pressure on Jupiter, it behaves as a metal.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth There is no firm surface on Jupiter. Jupiter is made up of almost hydrogen and helium entirely. If someone were to stand on Jupiter, they would sink down and be crushed by the intense pressure inside the planet.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of mostly helium and hydrogen but small amounts of compounds such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and water have also been detected. The mixture of these elements cause the colorful layers of clouds that people see from Earth through a telescope.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth Jupiter has no surface temperature because it has no surface. At the top of Jupiter’s clouds it is aorund -145 degrees Celsius. As you get closer top the center of Jupiter the temperature increases. At the core the temperature is approximately 24,000 degrees Celsius. Jupiter is much warmer than Earth.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth Jupiter has 67 confirmed moons. The most massive of them are the Galilean moons. They were discovered by Galileo in 1610.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth It takes Jupiter Earth years to orbit the sun.
Next Back Home Fifth Planet from the Sun Jupiter’s Interior Jupiter’s Surface Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter’s Temperature Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter’s Orbit Jupiter’s Myth In ancient Roman religion and myth, Jupiter(or Jove) is the King of the Gods and the God of Sky and Thunder.