1 Cup of Plot My story is about when a didn't have a tongue. Then the boy said that he could talk to anyone. Then he was screaming because his fouse hurt. Next the boy was peering for poetry. After gonathan was going to jupiter. Then they biasted of to space.
2 Teaspoons of CHARACTER Napkin Jonathan Roman Miram
2 Tablespoons of EXCITEMENT The most excitement that happen is when he is nice. Then he was thinking to go to jupiter.
Mix thoroughly and bake. When cool, frost with special icing: A. ½ Cup of Opinion my opinion is when jonathan
Mix thoroughly and bake. When cool, frost with special icing: B. 1 Teaspoon of Recommendation is when the boy was mean. Then he got his act right. then the boy was looking around space.Then they landed in jupiter. Next they were flying in space.
Finally sprinkle your own connection: When I grow up I would like to go in a space ship and study Jupiter up close.
Cool Things About Jupiter