US History Standards: FORD AND CARTER
Gerald Ford became President at the end of a turbulent time in American history The country was disillusioned by one of the worst political scandals in American history The country still hadn’t recovered from the divisions over the Vietnam War Ford had to prove his legitimacy at the only non-elected President – his Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, had the same problem FORD’S DIFFICULT TASK
Ford pardoned Nixon barely a month after he took office He did this largely because he couldn’t get anything done – he spent the majority of his time answering questions about what was going to happen to Nixon This upset many Americans, but Ford underestimated how much – some Americans suggested that a bargain had been made when Nixon left office PARDONING NIXON
Concerns over Watergate caused Nixon to overlook the economy in the last year of his Presidency Ford assumed a country in recession in an economy that was shrinking – the first time this had happened since FDR became President Ford believed in the Hoover approach – to try and restore public confidence He introduced his WIN program (Whip Inflation Now), but later saw the need for direct action Ford backed an increase in unemployment benefits and supported a tax cut – this did little to improve the economy ECONOMIC DIFFICULTIES
In the summer of 1976, the nation celebrated its 200 th Anniversary Throughout the summer, the nation celebrated with parades, concerts, air shows, political speeches, and fireworks THE BICENTINNEAL
Ford faced challenges from his own party for the nomination in 1976, but finally won it His challenger was the former governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, who almost no one knew at the beginning of the campaign Carter could identify with the average voter as a “common” man – he and his family walked down Pennsylvania after his election instead of riding in a limo Carter was also a Washington outsider and therefore free of any of the scandal that had hung over the town in the last few years However, this also hurt Carter because he had a hard time working with Congress ELECTION OF 1976
Carter inherited a problem economy – the actions that he took did not improve the economy The economy actually got worse, which caused Americans to lose confidence in Carter The energy problems of the early 70s returned during the Carter administration Carter responded by passing a series of programs designed to get people to abandon their gas guzzlers and upgrade to more efficient forms of energy INHERITED PROBLEMS
Israel had been at conflict with its Arab neighbors almost since the first moment of its existence In 1977, Egypt’s President, Anwar el-Sadat, made a trip to Israel to begin negotiations with Israel’s Prime Minister Menachem Begin, but the 2 had trouble compromising Carter invited the two to Camp David, Maryland in Sept – he assumed the role of peacemaker After 12 days of intense negotiation, the Camp David Accords was completed – in the treaty, Israel agreed to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula and Egypt agreed to recognize Israel’s existence as a nation CAMP DAVID ACCORDS
OPENING OF ARGO Teacher Note – Start 50 second in
For years, the US had supported the shah (king) of Iran (pictured top right) The shah had taken steps to modernize Iran – he also supplied oil January 1979 – a revolution broke out in Iran and the shah was overthrown by Muslim fundamentalists who wanted to return to traditional ways The shah was replaced by Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, who had been in exile (pictured right bottom) In October, Carter let the shah in the US for medical treatment which outraged many Iranians IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS
As a result, followers of Khomeini seized the American embassy in Tehran and took those inside, mainly American embassy workers, hostage The hostages were moved around to different locations while being imprisoned for 444 days Carter sent in a risky commando mission to try and rescue the hostages, but it failed The American public became frustrated at Carter’s inability to get the hostages released The release of the hostages was Carter’s primary goal during the final year of his presidency – they were not released until January 20, 1981, shortly after the new president, Ronald Reagan, was sworn into office IRAN HOSTAGE CRISIS