Graphing Showing patterns & trends Practice makes perfect!
What foods do slugs like to eat? food source amount food eaten (g) LDAPO 0 MS foodfood eaten lettuce (L)4.0 mushroom (M)8.2 dog food (D)0.0 spinach (S)6.5 apple (A)8.6 peach (P)5.4 orange (O)1.0 Bar graph! Conclusion? Slugs like apples best & dog food the least.
How much food do chickens eat? days amount food eaten (g) daysfood eaten ?? ?? Line graph! Conclusion? Chickens eat more food each day as they grow.
Populations of endangered birds years number of birds bird crane condor swan Line graph! Conclusion? Crane population is increasing. Condor population is decreasing. Swan population is holding steady.
Effect of smoking on death rate from lung cancer age group annual death rate Bar graph! ageheavyallnever Conclusion? The longer & heavier you smoke the more likely you are to die of lung cancer.
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