A place where cricket is played e.g. Queen’s Park …. _____ _____ (4 letters) Back
A girl’s best friend! ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (7 letters) Back
Used to point directions ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (5 letters) Back
Has no beginning and no end ___ ___ ___ (6 letters) Back
Has two long sides and two short sides __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (9 letters) Back
A rectangle that is slanted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (13 letters) Back
Did you observe anything about the answers?
Flowchart Symbols Indicate the BEGIN and END of an algorithm Indicate the INPUT and OUTPUT operations Indicate the processing operations (+, -, x, ÷ )
Flowchart Symbols Used in making a decision between two options (Yes/No) Show flow or path of steps Connector – used to connect different parts of an algorithm
Activity 2 As a group you are required to propose a solution to solve the problem of whether a student qualifies to get her driver’s license or not. Ask the user to enter her age. If her age is 17 years and older then indicate to her that she can get her license otherwise indicate to her that she is too young to drive. Use the flowchart symbols that have been provided to create a solution to the problem.
Activity 3 As a result of you sitting NSCE examination this term, you are getting two course work assessments for Information Technology. The software that is used to generate an electronic copy of your report will prompt your teacher to enter two marks for you. It will read the two marks entered and calculate the average of the two marks. It will print the results in your report. Create a flowchart to illustrate this to your parents.
Start Stop PRINT “Enter two marks” READ mark1, mark2 Average = (mark1 + mark2) /2 PRINT “IT mark is ”, average
Activity 4 As a group craft a problem and use a flowchart to illustrate the solution to your problem.
Question Ask the user to input the name, price and quantity of an item. Find the total cost of the item and indicate the total cost to the user.
Question Prompt the user to enter the allowance received for three days. Determine the average allowance and display the amount.
Questions Prompt the user to enter the length and width of a rectangular pool. Compute the area of the pool and display the answer to the user.