The priority theme “Making the best use of natural and cultural resources” Implementation under Leader+ Leader+ Seminar, Schruns April 2006
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April LEADER II cultural resources aspects Raising the awareness of the public about the area’s identity Listing, restoration and development of rural historic buildings and sites of tourist interest Renovation and development of the existing architectural heritage Production and promotion of cultural activities as a contribution to local identity and a tourist attraction Devising and establishing new rural tourism products (including cultural tourism)
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April LEADER II: natural resources aspects Protection, rehabilitation and exploitation of natural resources (fauna, flora, small streams and landscape) Listing, restoration and development of natural sites of tourist interest Production of renewable sources of energy (exploitation of biomass and of waste from the wood industry)
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Leader + and local resources “The aim of Leader+ is to encourage and help rural actors to think about the longer- term potential of their area” (Commission Notice) Natural and cultural resources, if preserved, are long term resources and are the basis for local sustainable development, taking into account the needs of future generations
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Leader + and local resources “aim of Leader+ is to encourage experimenting with new ways of enhancing the natural and cultural heritage “ (Commission Notice) This also includes non-economic action like small upgrading investments, preservation and information actions.
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April The choice of the priority theme for the local strategy (Leader+ EU-15) Priority themeNo of LAGsShare in % Use of new now-how and new technologies Improving the quality of life in rural areas Adding value to local products21620 Making the best use of natural and cultural resources Other12111
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Eligible operations related to cultural and natural sources Point 36 of Commission Notice. “All measures eligible for funding under the EAGGF Guidance Section, the ERDF and the ESF are eligible”
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Natural resources measures eligible Protection, conservation and management of resources : –protection and conservation of the rural natural heritage (EAGGF) –managing agricultural water resources (EAGGF); –protecting the environment in connection with agriculture, forestry and landscape management (EAGGF) –Protection and improvement of the environment in particular taking into account the principle of precaution and preventative action in support of economic development (EFRD) Economic use and job creation: –the development of renewable energy sources (EFRD) –Encouragement for tourist activities (EAGGF); –Development of tourism investment including the protection of natural heritage creating sustainable jobs in Objective 1 regions (EFRD)
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Cultural resources measures eligible Protection, conservation and management of resources : –protection and conservation of the rural cultural heritage (EAGGF); –protecting the environment in connection with cultural landscape management (EAGGF) Economic use, cultural development and job creation : –encouragement for tourist and craft activities (EAGGF); –assistance to neighbourhood services structures creating new jobs (EFRD) –development of tourism investment including the protection of cultural heritage creating sustainable jobs in Objective 1 regions (EFRD)
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Other areas of intervention in the cultural domain: promotion of local identity organisation of cultural events (traditional fairs, festivals, exhibitions).
Leader+ Seminar - Schruns April Main questions for the seminar : What is the best use of local resources ? Most of natural and cultural sources are public goods (is the economic use not in conflict with the preservation of these goods?) Does Leader+ contribute to identify new ways of enhancing natural and cultural resources? (what is the perception of the local population?) Sustainable use (local responsibility towards future generations) –educational use combined with a sustainable economic use Public goods can be tradable goods –strength of local resources is their diversity (factor of diversification for local production)