Week of 9/9/13-9/13/13
Write a list of words you can create by combining letters from each column. For example, b- and –ack can make the word “back.” First LettersEnding Letters B- F- Sn- Cr- -ack -in -ug -oss
A prefix is a language element made up of letters at the beginning of root words to change the meaning of a word. For example: “un” is a prefix that means not, to reverse or lack of. A person who can run 3 miles and lifts weights is fit. A person who is fat, sits on the couch and can’t walk a mile is unfit. Make a list of words that use the prefix “un.”
What are some colleges you would be interested in? Write: “I am interested in _______________ because ______________________.”
A prefix is a language element made up of letters at the beginning of root words to change the meaning of a word. For example: “re” is a prefix that means to do again. We all will take the SRI test in October for 1 st quarter. Then, at the end of December, we will all retake the SRI assessment for 2 nd quarter. Make a list of words that use the prefix “re.”
A prefix is a language element made up of letters at the beginning of root words to change the meaning of a word. For example: “non” is a prefix that means not doing, having or involved with. A story that is made up by the author is called fiction. A story that is not made up, but in fact, a true story is called nonfiction. Make a list of words that uses the prefix “non.”