Killing the ninja. A crisis comes a unknown ninja was heard killing people... You have been told to find the ninja Then you have to assassinate it. Click here to begin.
The mission begins. You are getting your sword and every thing you need and then you set of to your mission. Then a few minutes later a strange women comes up to you and said a man was killed and I think it was the ninja and I think its me next… click here If you want to help the woman If not Click here
You give the women every thing she need and a bodyguard and she said thank you very much for giving me every thing I need. Then after that you set of to your mission. Click here to carry on
You are dead The women was a Queen and her home was destroyed because of the ninja then she told the governor because you didn’t help her then after that the police come and Killed you… Click here to start again
You are in the forest you are still travailing then suddenly three ninja apprentices appeared in front of you then after that they are trying to kill you what are you going to do… Click here If you want to run away If not click here
You where to scared to fight the ninja then after that you went east then suddenly you Could see a old battered bridge if you want to cross the bridge click forward if not click back Forward? Back?
You battle the ninjas then a few minutes latter you where getting tired then you where killed by them because they where to strong for you and to fast and furious. Click here to start again
YOU ARE DAED Click here to start again The bridge was to week and wobbly because the current was to strong.
You come back. Suddenly you are surrounded by three ninjas. You run away and then two loyal ninja appear and suddenly kill them. Then they talk to you about the ninja who kills people. After that they ask you if you want to join their team and you say yes. Click here to Cary on
You, Scorpion and Subzero are travelling then a few minutes latter you could see foot prints then you end up in a narrowed path… Where do you want to go east or west. East or west
You are dead because lots and lots of ninjas went in your direction then when they so you the grabbed you and blind folded you then stab you with there swords you are dead. You are dead Click here to start again
You and team carried on then suddenly you heard a noise it sounds like a snake a cobra then suddenly thousands of cobra was charging to words you then subzero used his powers then lots of fire berthing eagles came and charging to words the cobra and blew fire at them after that they where dead… Click here to carry on
You, scorpion and Subzero carried on walking then suddenly then you could see a narrowed path and it leads to something if you want to follow where it leads to click follow if not click ignore. followignore
You are dead because the path was getting narrowed then one of the General ninja then was killing people then when it so you it got his sword and then quickly killed you. You are dead