By : Beth Van Hoesen The name of this Art work is Greta's Peony. Aquatint and dry point was used to make this painting, It was created in 1976 by Beth Van Hoesen.
Texture : Silky, Smooth, This flower looks more open than regular Peony (Looks as if its dying.) Its gives off a relaxing vibe, and has mild tones. They used the warm colors to draw your attention to the middle of the flower, from there it illuminates from the center outwards. The flower is held in a transparent vase, which gives the flower a stunning look. The background is dark which is making the main attention go to the Peony.
Emphasis : The flower is the focal point. When you look at this Art the first thing you see is the Peony. Balance: The Peony is in the middle ; it balances out the dark background, and the transparent vase it’s in. The flower is more bloomed than usual Peony’s which means its dying. The Dark background brings a sad, depressed vibe ; as well as the dying flower. Its not symmetrical but proportional.
The darken background makes the Peony seem as if it’s a self portrait. The illuminated center gives me the impression that it’s what the artist wants the main attention to go towards. At the time of drawing this picture I believe that the artist was experiencing some kind of emotionally distress. I think the artist wanted to give of a grief feeling, because of the sadness the
I believe she achieved her standards, and she made it an indivisual art work. Beth Van Hoesen seems as if she loves flowers. In my opinion this was one of her best works. It was an unique painting, and I believe it was an success. I don’t believe she had many things to improve.