By: Takeba Dowden
Spanish Origins- 1500’s- As cattle was moved from place to place breeds mixed and a new breed was created called the Longhorns.
Mexican Independence Mexico gained its independence from Spain.
Civil War It was caused by slavery, state rights and tariffs. It was fought between the North and South.
Reconstruction This was a time after the Civil War where people spent their time rebuilding. It was also a great demand for beef during this time.
The Cattle Era ’s- In Texas there are many cattle ranches and there are still many today such as King Ranch, JA Ranch, Matador Ranch, and XIT Ranch.
Civil War It was caused by slavery, state rights and tariffs. It was fought between the North and South.
Closing of the open range The more Ranchers who moved to Texas the harder it was to graze land.
Turn of the 20 th Century-1900’s- Demand of cattle shifted. Depending on techniques cattle in industry started to run more like a business
Moving into the 21 st Century- 2000’s- Cattle ranching became a big business.