My child reads independently upstairs in their room. Do I need to help still and how?
Urgh! It’s a fight getting my child to read at home. He HATES reading. I’ve spent a fortune on new books but they are still untouched on his bookcase.
Equip parents with age appropriate expectations. Show the new end of key stage test (one example) Explain how we break down reading skills (what we teach) Arm you with questions to take home Recommend some great reads Launch a reading experiment that we invite you to try! Aims of the Evening:
The New Curriculum Slimmer but more challenging
New Objectives New Test
How do we teach the new content at Muscliff?
Decoder (not upper KS2) Comprehender Reading Detective Language Lover Responder Big Reader All children need all of these skills.
Decoder I can break the code and read words carefully, understanding what they mean.
Comprehender I can find answers in the text.
Reading Detective I can use clues to read between the lines and discover (infer) even more information.
Language Lover I can talk about how text has been put together and organised.
Language Lover 2 I can explain how the writer has used language for effect.
Responder I can explain the writer’s viewpoint and how a text makes a reader feel.
The Big Reader I can compare and contrast stories from different cultures and times.
Activities Read the questions and decide which ‘skill’ you would be developing. Post them in the correct box. Browse the selected books. Ponder over the SATs test.
Peer Power Experiments! A.K.A The Fifty Shades Effect I’ve got to page 113! Yes! Wasn’t it funny when... Have you read this book? I’m the only one who hasn’t read this. Maybe I should.
Multiple copies of the same book for your child and their friends. Read it and comment. Their comment will be posted on the class page of the website for other peers to see. * comments ed to us and we will post them on our webpage.
Book in a Bag Read it. Comment on it. Pass it on. Many titles to choose from.
Try to encourage a varied diet!
Is your child eating a bit too much of a single food group?
Are you challenging their understanding by asking the right questions?