21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Wolf Gerrit Holzmann (Nuclear Chemistry, SUNY Stony Brook) for the Collaboration Tomographic Studies of the sQGP at RHIC: the next.


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Presentation transcript:

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Wolf Gerrit Holzmann (Nuclear Chemistry, SUNY Stony Brook) for the Collaboration Tomographic Studies of the sQGP at RHIC: the next step! 21 st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics Breckenridge – Colorado Feb. 5 –

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann The Big Picture Today’s Cold Universe What can we learn from RHI experiments about this past history? MotivationMotivation A Cue from Lattice QCD: A Cue from Lattice QCD: Phase Transition:

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann PRL87, (2001) Central collisions peripheral collisions High Energy density matter created at RHIC! High Energy density matter created at RHIC! time to thermalize the system (  0 ~ fm/c)  Bjorken  ~ GeV/fm 3 ~ 35 – 100 ε 0 Extrapolation From E T Distributions The Energy Density is Well Above the Predicted Value for the Phase Transition ! Phase Transition:

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann 4 Substantial Signals Attributable to Flow are observed ? Indicative of Early Themalization, Large Pressure Gradients! Extrapolation From E T Distributions Pressure Flow Fine structure Is the Energy Thermalized ? Is the Energy Thermalized ?

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann 5 Scaling hydro Do we have strong evidence for strongly interacting high energy density matter ? Do we have strong evidence for strongly interacting high energy density matter ? Kolb et al Compelling evidence for hydrodynamic flow! Buda Lund Hydro Model:

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann PHENIX Preliminary The Fireball rapidly expands Strong Radial Flow Evidence for strongly interacting matter is compelling! HBT Imaging Studies hint at Long Range Source HBT Imaging Studies hint at Long Range Source

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Diagnostic Probe for Strongly Interacting Medium: Jets Jets are Remarkable Probes for this High-density Matter Auto-Generated on the right time-scale Calibrated Calculable (pQCD) Accessible statistically via correlations in Au+Au Jets are Remarkable Probes for this High-density Matter Auto-Generated on the right time-scale Calibrated Calculable (pQCD) Accessible statistically via correlations in Au+Au

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann p+p d+A A+A Operational Strategy Observable Jet Correlations

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Distinct Di-jet peaks observed for p + p and d + Au Extracted Di-jet properties similar for both systems PHENIX Preliminary d+Au PHENIX Preliminary p+p 3.0<p T <6.0 Calibrated Signal

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Fragmentation : The Predicted Influence of the Medium is Specific The Predicted Influence of the Medium is Specific. Induced Gluon Radiation ~ collinear  gluons in cone “Softened” fragmentation I. Vitev, nucl-th/ Gyulassy et al., nucl-th/ Modification to Jet-Topologies

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Au+Au 200 GeVPHENIX Preliminary Extensive Range of studies now completed Flavor Permutations matter! Asymmetries and Anisotropies -> Need for Decomposition

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann i.e. Zero Yield At Minimum (ZYAM) a 0 is obtained without putting any constraint on the Jet shape by requiring H(v2) Obtain v 2 externally ( from RP measurement with Large η gap ) Two source model : Flow (H) & Jet (J) ZYAM Decomposition technique: nucl-ex/

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Simulation test of Ansatz Input jet faithfully recovered!

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Simulation test of Ansatz: Unusual Jet Shapes Input jet faithfully recovered even with unusual jet-shapes! Robust Jet-extraction achieved!

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Application of ZYAM Method to PHENIX data : Asymmetries and Anisotropies clearly present Minimum of CFctn < 90 deg Modified away-side jet v 2 from BBC Reaction Plane (  = 3-4)

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Subtracted jet-pair distributions Significant Broadening and Strong Modification of away-side Jet observed! (Folded into 0-  ) hep-ph/ Casalderrey-Solana,Shuryak,Teaney Wake effect or “sonic boom” hep-ph/ Armesto,Salgado,Wiedemann Correlations of Jets with flowing medium How crazy are those shapes? Quantify Modifications via:  per-trigger yields  RMS around 0 and  local min

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Extracted Jet yields and widths Compelling Evidence for Modification of Jet-Properties

21 st WWND, W. Holzmann Correlation measurements suggest compelling evidence for strongly interacting high energy density matter not heretofore seen! Possible Emerging Picture y x High Density Thermalized partonic material formed early Hard Scattered Partons Traverse rapidly expanding partonic material  Jet-modification (early) & v2  Jet-modification (early) & v2