Water cycle and currents Jeopardy Water Cycle A Water Cycle B Water Cycle C Currents A Currents B FINAL
Water Cycle 100 Water changes from liquid to gas (vapor) in this stage What is evaporation?
Water Cycle A 200 This stage requires some sort of material or surface to change stages. What is condensation?
Category A 300 This is where most evaporation takes place. What is the ocean?
Water Cycle A 400 This stage is where water changes from gas (vapor) to liquid What is condensation?
Category A 500 Rain, hail, sleet, and snow are part of this stage of the water cycle. What is precipitation?
Category B 100 This stage is where water is located on land. What is collection/storage?
Category B 200 The percentage of saltwater on Earth. What is 97%?
Category B 300 When condensation forms upon dust particles, smoke or other particles in the sky. What is a cloud?
Category B 400 This stage of the water cycle is responsible for making oceans salty. What is evaporation?
Category B 500 Where the energy for the water cycle comes from. What is the Sun?
Category C 100 The percentage of water available for consumption. What is ~1%?
Category C 200 A puddle that dries up in the summer heat is an example of this stage What is evaporation?
Category C 300 A lake, glacier, or an aquifer are examples of this stage. What is water collection/storage?
Category C 500 This force drives water down from the skies, along and through earth surfaces, and ultimately to the ocean. What is gravity?
Category C 400 Morning dew, clouds, sweat on the outside of a glass of ice-water are examples of this stage. What is condensation?
Category D 100 These two factors cause deep currents. What are lower temperatures and salinity?
Category D 200 These currents are NOT directly affected by wind. What are deep currents?
DAILY DOUBLE - Category D Water in the polar regions are high in salinity because this is happening to the water What is freezing?
Category D 400 Colder water temperatures and increases in salinity contribute to increase water _______. What is density?
Category D 500 Warm equatorial waters and cold polar waters form this type of cell. What is a convection cell?
Category E 100 A horizontal movement of water that follows a regular pattern. What is a surface current?
Category E 200 Three things that control surface currents. What are global winds, Coriolis effect, and deflections?
Category E 300 Snow falling from clouds is an example of this stage. What is precipitation?
Category E 400 This is where water gets its salts and minerals. What are earth materials?
Category E 500 Mass over volume What is density?
A process that brings nutrient-rich material up to the water surface from deep, cold water currents. What is upwelling? FINAL JEOPARDY!