Commissioning and Utilisation of ERLP David Holder ASTeC, Daresbury Laboratory
Introduction to ERLP;Introduction to ERLP; ASTeC’s contribution to ERLP;ASTeC’s contribution to ERLP; ASTeC’s plans for ERLP exploitation.ASTeC’s plans for ERLP exploitation. Content
ERLP Energy Recovery Linac Prototype Demonstrating skills and technologies for 4GLS: –Operation of photo injector electron gun; –Operation of superconducting electron linac; –Energy recovery from a FEL-disrupted beam; –Synchronisation of gun and FEL output.
Parameters Nominal Gun Energy350 keV Injector Energy8.35 MeV Circulating Beam Energy35 MeV Linac RF Frequency1.3 GHz Bunch Repetition Rate81.25 MHz Max Bunch Charge80 pC Max Average Current13 µA
Laser system nearly ready; IOTs under test on site; Gun ceramic – major source of delay – now expected March 2006 (~1 year late); Accelerator modules arriving April/June 2005 (~6 months late); 4 K commissioning Feb 06. Machine Status
Dedicated diagnostic beamline designed by ASTeC to fully characterise the gun and benchmark the codes used for design; e.g. predicted effect of spacecharge: Gun Commissioning April to June
Comparison and benchmarking of beam dynamics code for injectors - ASTRA and GPT buncher solenoid booster Gun Commissioning April to June
Photoinjector Laser - Collaboration with CLF
Complete machine ready September 06; Aim to demonstrate energy recovery with wiggler- disrupted beam early 2007; Very challenging technical and timescale issues; ASTeC has overall responsibility for successful planning and execution. Machine Commissioning 1
Confirming suitability of TBA arc design chosen for 4GLS: Machine Commissioning 2
Confirming 4 dipole chicane bunch compression scheme: Machine Commissioning 3 4-dipole chicane LBLB LBLB LDLD LDLD
Modeling of FEL interaction using in Genesis 1.3; Major tool used for design of 4GLS sources; Commissioning measurements will confirm validity of code and other calculations. Machine Commissioning 4 before FEL after FEL
Machine Commissioning 5 Measurements to verify start to end simulations results First case of complete S2E modelling of an ERL with a FEL and energy recovery
Machine Commissioning 6 Operation of 2 K cryosystem - vital to operation of 4GLS
ERLP Exploitation 1 Accelerator test bed: –advanced accelerator operation, diagnostics, photocathode guns, SCRF, electron beam/laser synchronisation; science –THz –X-ray (NWSF grant £2.9M, 3 years) –combined sources/synchronisation. As an R&D exercise NOT as a user facility.
Compton backscattering X-ray source Time resolved X-ray diffraction studies aimed at probing the mechanisms of shock compression of matter on sub picosecond (ps) timescales. THz beamline and a tissue culture facility. To use the ultrahigh intensity, broadband THz radiation for the study of biological systems. ERLP Exploitation 2
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