ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Principals’ Meeting Wednesday, March 25, 2009 ESO #2 Best Practices for Strategic Budgeting and Planning for FY 10 Presented by: Fran Taurasi, Business Services Manager
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Planning for next year Contractual Class Size Base # of teachers Budgeting Tips Title 1 SWP – how to best use CFE – how to use Budget Reduction Strategies
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Class Size and Base # teachers Class SizeTeachers per class School TypeGradesMaximumor HS periods per class Early GradeK Elementary" T1-MS" Non T1-MS" High School" periods CTE 28 Music 50 Phys Ed 50
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Calculating base # of teachers using Contract Maximum Class Size Example: the base # of teachers for a Title 1 Middle School (6-8) with 850 students (max class size 30) and a teacher ratio of 1.4 would be calculated as follows” Total # of students/max class size x Teacher Ratio 850/30 =28.3 x 1.4 = 39.6 Teacher So, using this information you can look at your T.O. and review your # of teachers – remember – we must fund required teachers with tax levy, and the # of teachers ABOVE required minimum can potentially be funded with re-imburseable dollars
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Strategies to Consider ReviewWhat worked, your programs/actionswhat did not work Otpswhat was not spent what programs were funds spent for will you need as much next year re-imburseable fundswere all re-imburseable funds used for supplementary services sharing staffdid you, or can you consider sharing staff will you have any attritionreview program schedules review class size do your teachers have full loads? can any creative scheduling be done
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Strategies to Consider ReviewWhat worked, your programs/actionswhat did not work Review out of classroom positionsre-evaluate review any comp time and non-instructional assignmentsare they vital, are you using circular 6? consider your partnershipswhat are you investing in them? what benefits are accruing to your school what are your professional development costshow are you using your PD time? consider calendar changes
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Title 1 SWP Double period (.20FTE) of Teacher’s salary in a required course (start with English or Math) Reduced Class Size Instructional Coaches School Aide, Family worker –providing parent outreach Professional development – per diem, per session, vendors Before /After school academic programs and associated OTPS costs Up to.50 FTE of an AP providing instructional supervision
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, CFE – Contracts for Excellence Funds must support specific program areas. C4E dollars must be spent to support new programs and activities or to expand existing programs and activities in the following six program areas: –Class Size Reduction –Time on Task –Teacher and Principal Quality Initiatives –Full Day Pre-Kindergarten, and –Model Programs for English Language Learners (new in ) Funds must go to students in greatest need. C4E funds must be used to improve the performance of students with greatest educational needs.
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Funding Choices “re-imburseable” sources – Title 1, Title III have a “fringe factor” markup- when used in salaries: –40% salaries –18.42% per session –8.15 % per diem Review your TO in a different way: (it defaults to organizational view) Hit Info, views, allocation, allocation by academy- you will now see in total by allocation category how you have scheduled your funds
ESO #2 Network Principal Meeting, March 25, Tools for finding your balances OTPS Balances - FAMIS: Spending Plan Inquiry Per Diem, Per Session, F status & bulk jobs: –Payroll System: EIS –Employee Information Screen –12.4 screen –PDPS screen –USE THSE REPORTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH GALAXY