Medical Administrative Specialist Technology and Responsibilities
New Breed Today’s administrative assistant is a new breed of worker. He or she now shoulders much responsibility in today’s fast-paced, technology- driven era.
Important Qualities Integrity Patient data private by law Interpersonal skills Communicate effectively Be courteous Organizational skills Keep files, folders, and schedules
Training On the job Office procedures Computer programs Office documents Certification can demonstrate competency Each office will have a few weeks of training to learn how that office operates
Technology continued Medical software Medisoft Office procedures Terminology Billing and transcription Proofreading and editing
Responsibilities Answering phone Greeting patients and visitors Ordering supplies Sorting mail Bookkeeping Creating invoices
Responsibilities continued* Maintaining patient records Processing insurance forms Scheduling patient appointments Transcribing dictation Coordinating various meetings and seminars Making travel and accommodation arrangements
Salary Most earn between $21,680 and $57,188 a year* If employed by psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals average of $42,250 Other high paying employers include insurance companies, scientific research firms and dental offices An increase is projected to increase by almost 29% between 2012 and 2022
Job Prospects Job openings are expected to come from the need to replace secretaries. With a combination of certification, work experience and computer skills you have the best job prospects.
The Best To secure and retain the best administrative assistants, employers are offering more robust salaries and benefits. A couple perks can be flexible schedules and vacation time.
Medical Administrative Specialist The role of a medical administrative specialists is to keep an office organized and ensure that everything runs smoothly. It can be the glue that holds an office together.
References and Icons used Carlosjj ( ) microsoft office 2010 icons by Customization / Icons / OS Icons / Windows.Carlosjjmicrosoft office 2010 iconsCustomization IconsOS IconsWindows Hearts and figure logo. Accessed June 11, Medical Symbol., Osteoporosis Treatment, Accessed June 11, 2015: The Office – A Farewell. Accessed June11, 2015: : by Pop- Break Staff, (May 16, 2013). Break Staff