LET’S TALK GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 4 credits Language Arts 3 credits Mathematics 3 credits Science 3.5 credits Social Studies (Geography & History classes) 2 credits Healthy Lifestyles (PE & Health Classes) 1.5 credits Art (art classes, Band, Orchestra, & Choir) 1 credit Career & Tech Ed (Foods, sewing, woodshop, computers, etc).5 credit Financial Literacy.5 credit Computer Tech (Computer Tech or Exploring Computer Science) 8 credits Elective 27 total credits are required to graduation. There are 31 credits that can possibly be earned.
COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY RECOMMENDATIONS Take 4 years of Math courses Take 4 years of Science courses Take 2 years of a World Language (French, German, Chinese, Sign Language, Spanish, etc) You can also check with the college or university you want to attend to see what classes they recommend you take in high school.
REGENTS’ SCHOLARSHIP INFO Required Courses: –4 credits English –4 credits progressive Math –3.5 credits of Social Science –3 credits of lab-based science (only biology, chemistry, & physics count) –2 credits progressive World Language There are 2 different levels of awards you can earn (amounts can vary every school year). For more information, please go to and look at the program guide.
REGENTS’ SCHOLARSHIP BASE AWARD Complete the required courses between grades Earn a 3.0 GPA No grade lower than a C in the required courses. Submit an ACT score (residual ACT test scores do not count, and SAT scores not accepted). $1,000 award – One time payment
REGENTS’ SCHOLARSHIP EXEMPLARY AWARD Complete the required courses between grades Earn a 3.5 GPA No grade lower than a B in the required courses. Submit an ACT score of 26 or higher (residual ACT test scores do not count, and SAT scores not accepted). Students can renew this award for 4 semesters, 65 credits, or completion of a bachelors degree (whichever is shortest). They must maintain a 3.3 GPA and enroll in 15 credits each semester. $1,250 award – each semester (up to 4 semesters) – Remember this can change every year. Also earn the base award of $1,000 (one time award).
NEXT YEAR’S CLASSES CORE CLASSES You have the following options for your POD classes for next year. –Track 1: Language Arts 9, Earth Systems 9, & Geography 9 –Track 2: Language Arts 9H, Earth Systems, & AP Human Geography –Track 3: Language Arts 9H, Biology, & AP Human Geography You have the following options for your Math class for next year. –Secondary Math 1 –Secondary Math 1 Honors –Secondary Math 2 Honors
NEXT YEAR’S CLASSES HONORS & AP CLASS REQUIREMENTS Requirements for Track 2 or Track 3 –A minimum of a 1150 SRI score. –A minimum of a 3. 0 GPA. –Required to complete and pass three Newsela articles and comprehension checks. These articles will be completed with Mr. Campbell or Mr. Steele by appointment only. Further information will be provided later in this session. Requirements for Honors Math Classes –Math teacher recommendation. –You are only taking Secondary 2 Honors if you took Secondary Math1 Honors or Secondary Math 1 this year.
NEXT YEAR’S CLASSES ELECTIVE CLASSES Your student may take a total of 2.5 Elective classes next year. This could be any combination of full year and half year classes. Seminary does not count for any credit towards graduation requirements.
BE PREPARED For your information: Not all classes will carry due to the number of requests and teacher schedules. Be prepared to choose 1 full year or 2 semester back up elective classes.
CHOOSING CLASSES Your student will choose their classes for next year during science class next week, either Wednesday or Thursday! Please discuss this with your students and help them plan their schedule. Your student is requesting the classes they want to take. Your student’s final schedule will be available at the end of August.
QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS? If you are interested in further information about AP & Honors Requirements, please stay a little longer to hear from Mr. Campbell, Mr. Steele, & Mrs. Heckman. If you have questions and want to talk to a counselor, please contact the Counseling Office at
FURTHER AP & HONORS INFORMATION Let’s turn it over to Mr. Campbell, Mr. Steele, & Mrs. Heckman!