Page 1 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Evaluation of Envisat data using a NWP Assimilation System: A vortex-centred view Authors: W.A. Lahoz, S. Migliorini, R. Bannister, R. Brugge, A. O’Neill Data Assimilation Research Centre, Reading, UK Thanks: ESA, Envisat cal-val teams, Met Office (UK), CNR.IFAC, BADC
Page 2 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Talk overview Aims Methodology Results - Qualitative - Quantitative Conclusions Further Work
Page 3 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Aims Evaluate L2 GOMOS, MIPAS & SCIAMACHY data (AOID 1039) Height-resolved and total column data - Temperature - Ozone - Water vapour
Page 4 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Methodology Apply to L2 data (unassimilated): vortex-centred view Vortex-centred view used to look at UARS MLS water vapour data (Lahoz et al, JAS 1994; QJRMS 1996) Self-consistency Comparison against independent datasets Qualitative/quantitative comparisons Later: apply to L2+ data (assimilated into a NWP system)
Page 5 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 24/Oct/2002 Geopotential Height: Met Office 12 GMT 1, 10, 100hPa MIPAS orbit track – GMT 1hPa10hPa 100hPaOrbit track S E GM ID
Page 6 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 24/Oct/2002 Temperature MIPAS (top) Temperature Met Off (bottom) Along orbit track SE SE 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa
Page 7 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 24/Oct/2002 Ozone MIPAS (top) Water vapour MIPAS (bottom) Along orbit track SE SE 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa
Page 8 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 24/Oct/2002 CH4 MIPAS (top) N2O MIPAS (bottom) Along orbit track SE SE 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa
Page 9 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 24/Oct/2002 HNO3 MIPAS (top) NO2 MIPAS (bottom) Along orbit track SE SE 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa 1hPa 10hPa 100hPa DayNight
Page 10 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 27/Sep/2002 MIPAS v sondes (Ny Alesund: 78.9N, 11.9E) Temperature (top; K) Ozone (bottom; ppmv) 1hPa 1000hPa hPa 1000hPa 015
Page 11 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 27/Sep/2002 MIPAS v sondes (Payerne: 46.8N, 7.0E) Temperature (top; K) Ozone (bottom; ppmv) 1hPa 1000hPa hPa 1000hPa 15
Page 12 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 27/Sep/2002 MIPAS v sondes (Marambio: 64.3S, 56.7W) Temperature (top; K) Ozone (bottom; ppmv) 1hPa 1000hPa hPa 1000hPa 015
Page 13 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: qualitative 25/Sep/2002 Total ozone column SCIAMACHY & footprint Total ozone column analyses (KNMI/ ESA)
Page 14 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results:quantitative MIPAS v Sonde ( x AK) Jokioinen (60.8N, 23.5E) 18 Sep 2002 Chi-squared test Temperature (K) MIPAS Averaging Kernels Red star: MIPAS Green diamond: Sonde x AK
Page 15 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results:quantitative MIPAS v Sonde ( x AK) Ny Alesund 200hPa->10hPa September 2002 Ozone (LH) Temperature (RH) +1+1
Page 16 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results:quantitative MIPAS v Sonde( x AK) Several stations 200hPa->10hPa September 2002 Ozone (LH) Temperature (RH)
Page 17 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: quantitative 23/Sep/2002 Histogram SCIAMACHY – KNMI/ESA (Total ozone / DU) GOME bias not removed
Page 18 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: quantitative 24/Sep/2002 Histogram SCIAMACHY – KNMI/ESA (Total ozone / DU) GOME bias not removed
Page 19 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Results: quantitative 25/Sep/2002 Histogram SCIAMACHY – KNMI/ESA (Total ozone / DU) GOME bias not removed
Page 20 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Data Assimilation Struthers, Brugge, Lahoz, O’Neill & Swinbank, JGR 2002 Cal-val:O: Observations, A: Analyses, B: Background/Forecast - Impact of observations: OSEs - Stability & Bias: O-A differences - Normality of Errors: O-B histograms - Best Linear Unbiased Estimate (BLUE): rms(O-A) - Comparison against independent data
Page 21 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Conclusions MIPAS: results suggest: Consistency between MIPAS data & meteorology Temperature, ozone vs independent data (sondes x AK): - temperature better characterised than ozone; unrealistic vertical oscillations in temperature retrieval - ozone errors too small (systematic error needed); ozone has a positive bias - MIPAS temperature and ozone errors are close to Gaussian
Page 22 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Conclusions SCIAMACHY: results suggest: SCIAMACHY total column ozone data agrees well with GOME analyses (N.B. GOME biases not removed): - bias magnitude ~ 6DU (bias can be positive/negative) - std of differences ~20 DU (Errors are close to Gaussian) - consistent with GOME analyses bias (see BIRA/IASB web-site) GOMOS Air density in GOMOS needed work (Sep); may be OK now
Page 23 Validation by Model Assimilation and/or Satellite Intercomparison - ESRIN 9–13 December 2002 Further Work MIPAS water vapour data (compare vs balloons) SCIAMACHY total ozone column biases GOMOS data (ozone, water vapour) Assimilation into Met Office system (MIPAS ozone data assimilated for 6 hours & evaluating experiment) - Cal-val - Combine limb and nadir geometries: ASSET project - Averaging kernels/theory