Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution end homelessness together London Councils: Spotlight on non-EU migrant destitution
Summary Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution What is the Alliance? Who is in the Alliance? Key aims Progress so far Resources for your service Introduction to Open Door (North East) end homelessness together
What is the Alliance? Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution Coalition of national agencies from homeless and refugee/migrant sector Focused on practical solutions to migrant destitution Two year ambitious project started in summer 2015 Response to rising numbers of destitute non-EU migrants Collaboration, cross-fertilization and partnership work end homelessness together
Who is in the Alliance? Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution end homelessness together
Key aims: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution 1.Increase the supply, access and better management of accommodation for people with NRPF 2.Support front line agencies and local partnerships through capacity building, coordination and cross-fertilisation 3.Support the development of integrated pathways out of destitution for individuals 4.Gather, share and use evidence of what works to inform service providers, funders, policy and decision makers end homelessness together
Work so far: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution Four regional events nationwide so far: investigating, recording and sharing best practice in supporting destitute migrants 191 individuals from 171 organisations engaged with from across the homeless, refugee/migrant services and local authorities. Building local networks and supporting partnership working Development of training for frontline workers to improve understanding of the key needs of destitute migrants Encouragement of services to effectively map resources and scale of migrant destitution in their region end homelessness together
Models of accommodation: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution Hosting LASSN, Bristol Hospitality Network, London Hosting Group Rooms in shared houses Boaz Trust, Hope Projects, Abigail Housing Bradford Communities Emmaus communities, Catholic Worker Farms Hostels St Mungos (Street Legal), Salvation Army Night shelters Housing Justice Night Shelter Network, Boaz Trust end homelessness together
Interlocking needs Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution end homelessness together Subsistence Legal Advice HousingSupport Partnerships
The road ahead: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution Continued development of local actions/networks nationwide Publication of guidance for frontline services Strategic focus on two areas – two pilot projects Focus on grass roots lead sustainability Kick start the development of local action plans for joint working between homeless and refugee/migrant organisations nationwide end homelessness together
Resources: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution Supporting people with no recourse to public funds (NRPF): a guide for homelessness services (Homeless Link) How to improve support and services for destitute migrants (JRF report: Petch, Perry & Lukes, 2015) Models of immigration advice, advocacy and representation for destitute migrants, focusing on refused asylum seekers (Gina Clayton, 2015) Models of accommodation and support for migrants with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) (Housing Justice, PRAXIS and NACCOM, 2015) Working with refugees: a guide for homelessness services (Homeless Link) end homelessness together
To find out more: Strategic Alliance on Migrant Destitution For updates on the work of the Alliance and links to all resources on supporting destitute migrants with NRPF, please visit the Alliance webpage: Alternatively please contact: Patrick Duce Innovation and Good Practice Team – Homeless Link Twitter: end homelessness together
What we do Homeless Link is the national membership charity for organisations working directly with people who become homeless in England. We work to make services better and campaign for policy change that will help end homelessness. © Homeless Link All rights reserved. Homeless Link is a charity no and a company no Homeless Link Gateway House, Milverton Street, London SE11 4AP Facebook: end homelessness together