Welcome to Mrs. Collins’ Class Today we’ll discuss... Syllabus Rules Procedures
Course Syllabus Reading Selections Grading Policy – Extra Credit Assignments Homework Tests/Unit Projects – Final Assessment SSR Requirement Absent Center Late Work Contact Information –
Class Rules 1. Respect the teacher and your fellow classmates. 2. No food or drinks in the room. 3. Be on time and prepared for class. Easy Rules!
Consequences Strikes One – Warning Two – Phone/ call home Three – Behavior Reflection Assignment – What is a Behavior Reflection Assignment? Four – Hours assigned Be good, please!
Procedures Procedures are a part of life. We follow procedures for using our iphones/ipads, boarding an airplane, approaching a traffic light, and attending a wedding. The reason that we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient way other people do things. The following are procedures for this classroom. These procedures establish our classroom culture.
What do I do if I forget my pencil or paper? You may borrow a pencil and paper from a fellow student. This must be done BEFORE class officially starts.
What do I do when I come in the room? – Sharpen pencils (if you need to). You may not sharpen pencils during instruction time. – Get your notebook out and read the daily agenda. – All classes will start with a notebook assignment each day except for Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays, you will immediately begin to read your SSR book when class begins and on Fridays you will need to get out your vocabulary list to study for the weekly quiz. You will get a strike if you do not bring your SSR book to class or if you are not on task when class begins.
What do I do if I need to leave the room? Raise your hand. Ask politely to be excused. Choose wisely the times that you ask to be excused. For example, if you ask me to be excused when I am in the middle of giving instructions, I will not allow you to leave at that time. However, if you wait until instruction has ended and then ask I will be far more likely grant your wish.
When is it appropriate for me to throw away trash? At the beginning or end of class. Do not get out of your seat to throw away trash during instruction.
What do I do if I am tardy? Give me your tardy slip (if you have one) and have a seat. Tardies accumulate quickly. You will get a strike for each tardy and on the 4th tardy, you will be given hours.
Where can I find the assignments posted? Assignments and homework will be posted on the front board every day. We will go over them as a class. For absent students, I will print out a copy of the daily assignments and they will be posted at the Absent Center.
Where do I put completed papers? Class work and homework needs to be turned in to the turn-in bins marked with your period number by the door as you enter.
How do I label my class work and homework? Put your name and period number at the top of the page in the margin.
Where can I find assignments when I come back from an absence? At the Absent Center. Use the list of assignments to write down what you missed. If you have missed a test, talk to me immediately and we will plan a time for you to come in and make it up. Any assignments that you miss can be completed at a later date. However, if you do not complete them before the last week of the quarter, you will receive a 0 and your grade will be affected. BE CAREFUL – 0s add up quickly.
What do I do if you finish my work early? Read a book, prepare for your next vocabulary quiz, update your notebook with any missing entries, work on your homework, make up any missing work, work on homework for another class, study for a quiz in another class…so many choices!
What do I do if I need extra help, have a personal concern, or would like to request a conference? See me before or after class and we will set up a time to meet and discuss. You can also write me a note and leave it on my desk or send me an and I’ll come find you to set up a time.
What do I do if I forget to do my homework? You cannot make up homework if you forget to do it.
How do I know which book to bring to class? You will have a book at home and I have a class set of books that you will use in class. There will be times during the year when I will issue you a supplemental novel and you will need to bring it to class daily.
What do I do before I leave the room at the end of class? Tidy up your area, check for dropped pencils, scraps of paper, wrappers, etc. Wait for dismissal from me. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Do not ask me to leave early.
We are going to have a great year! Hooray!