Proof Pages Rob Hanson
Proof = Evidence Proof is needed to provide evidence that claims are true Proof is needed to provide evidence that claims are true Three kinds Three kinds –Testimony –Statistics –Facts
Testimony The use of a credible source’s quote to support your claims The use of a credible source’s quote to support your claims Useful in three cases Useful in three cases –When you are not too knowledgeable on the topic –When audience does not totally trust your intentions –When the audience contests the idea
Hints on the Use of Testimonies Identify source and why it is credible Identify source and why it is credible Feel free to paraphrase Feel free to paraphrase –But, keep information as source meant it Make sure audience understands testimony Make sure audience understands testimony
Statistics Pieces of information presented as numbers Pieces of information presented as numbers Helpful with giving exact numbers Helpful with giving exact numbers
Hints on the Use of Statistics Us a visual aid (charts, graphs) whenever possible Us a visual aid (charts, graphs) whenever possible Keep it simple and organized Keep it simple and organized Elaborate- Elaborate- –”An average high-school graduate has seen about 18,000 hours of television” –“That is 750 solid days of TV-over two years. That represents almost one-tenth of an eighteen-year-old’s life”
Graph Examples Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2000
Facts A statement that can be proven true A statement that can be proven true Keep opinions separate from facts Keep opinions separate from facts –The new roundabout will revolutionize uptown Normal (opinion) –The roundabout is the first large scale roundabout in McLean County (fact)
Keep in Mind Proof strengthens the argument and makes information more credible Proof strengthens the argument and makes information more credible Always make sure proof supports what you are trying to say Always make sure proof supports what you are trying to say However, watch out for: However, watch out for: –Weasel Words –“Spin”
Quiz 1. One should not only identify the source of a testimony, but claim why it is ______. 2. As opposed to run on sentences filled with numbers and data, one should use an organized ______. 3. When stating facts, one must be careful of voicing ______.