National Product Stewardship Forum May 30, 2007 San Francisco, CA Garth Hickle Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.


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Presentation transcript:

National Product Stewardship Forum May 30, 2007 San Francisco, CA Garth Hickle Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

Drivers for E-waste Policy  Technology transition  Internet access, higher performance  Software upgrades  Estimate that only 50 percent of existing computers can operate Microsoft Vista  Analog to Digital TV signals- February 2009  Estimates of 30 million to 80 million TVs may be impacted by transition  Increasing sales and increasing returns  Average of 2.6 televisions per household in US (2005)  62 percent of US households own at least one computer (2003)  Stockpile of old units  Avg. age of recycled TV is 17 years  Avg. age of recycled desktop is 12 years and monitor is 11 years  Toxic/hazardous materials (lead, mercury, cadmium, brominated flame retardants, PCBs)  Growing costs to collect, transport, and recycle

Status of E-waste Laws  California  Advance recycling fee.  3.64 pounds per capita.  Maine  Producer responsibility based on return share.  2.98 pounds per capita  Maryland  Governor signed legislation to expand program and increase fee.  Washington  Rulemaking underway, 170 registrants  Minnesota, Texas, Oregon

Minnesota Electronics Recycling Act  Signed by Governor Pawlenty on May 8, 2007  Based on Midwest E-waste Policy Initiative Model.  Obligation determined by previous year sales of VDDs.  Annual registration fee.  Retailers report sales to manufacturers.  If manufacturers opt or fail to meet obligation,.30,.40, or.50 fee.  Manufacturers can apply credits to future years or sell.  RoHS compliance.  Approximately 160 manufacturers expected to register.  MPCA estimates 48.3 million lbs. of VDDs sold (2006)  Projects 23.2 million lbs. of VDDs eligible for collection (2008).  4.8 million lbs. additional credit for Greater Minnesota.  Projects 3.9 million lbs. of CEDs (2008).

Federal Policy Activity  Bills introduced to date:  Rep. Thompson: advance recycling fee  Sen. Wyden and Talent: tax credits for manufacturers and/or consumers  E-Waste Working Group created (2005)  Hearings in House and Senate (2005)  Meeting held September 2006  Goal is legislation introduced in  Change in Senate EPW may increase prospects for action.  Federal footprint departure for product policy/recycling.

State Considerations for Federal Legislation  Preemption of existing and future programs.  Equitable financing based on market share, return share or both.  Broad scope of products.  Flexible system with a PRO/TPO.  Framework approach may be more feasible:  Definitions, reporting, materials restrictions, export/ESM, labeling.

Contact Information: Garth Hickle Product Stewardship Team Leader Minnesota Pollution Control Agency