PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD Medina church of Christ 11/29/2015
GIRD YOUR WAIST WITH TRUTH Purpose of the belt to a Roman soldier Used to carry the scabbard for his sword Hung strips of leather from it to protect the lower body Secures all of the other pieces What does the Truth have to do with a belt? (I Thess. 5:21, Acts 17:11) A belt encompasses our waist Our conviction to the Truth needs to encompass us. Truth must be bound around us and written on our hearts—our conviction must reach beyond an outward show Prov. 3:3-4
BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS Purpose of the breastplate Protection of the torso, namely the vital organs: heart, lungs, etc. Why is Righteousness associated with the protective breastplate? Proverbs 11:4 Without righteousness, we leave ourselves open to almost certain death. With righteousness—just as with a breastplate—the otherwise fatal attacks of our enemy are thwarted. To be righteous is to do what is right in God's eyes. God's commandments are righteousness. I John 3:4, I Cor. 15:34
SHOD YOUR FEET WITH PREPARATION OF PEACE Purpose of shoes Protect the soldiers bare feet from the debris of the battlefield Allows the soldier to step freely without hesitation. Why is Peace associated with shoes? Romans 10:14-15 Make sure our shoes have hold firm on the ground.
TAKING THE SHIELD OF FAITH How does the shield work? very large, slightly curved rectangular shield featuring at its center a large metal knob What is Faith? Hebrews 11:1, Rom. 8:24-25 Why is the shield associated with Faith? Ephesians 6:16...above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. How else can we use our shields?
HELMET OF SALVATION What’s the purpose of a soldier’s helmet? The Roman helmet, like helmets today, protected the head from the attacks of the enemy. What is Salvation? Salvation basically means to be saved or delivered from something What does Salvation have to do with a helmet? I Thess. 5:8-11, Psalm 27:1
SWORD OF THE SPIRIT – WORD OF GOD What’s the purpose of the sword? the sword was his main means of attack When sharpened, its dual edges wreaked havoc on unarmored foes, while its tapered point could pierce through even heavy metal armor. Why is a sword associated with the Word of God? Suited for both offensive and defensive attacks For short range battles only
POINTS OF INTEREST We must put on the whole armor. The armor stands all together. Without a single piece, it leaves critical holes in your defense. What covering your back? If you are being offensive and standing your ground, your back doesn’t need protecting. Don’t forget to sharpen your sword. You never know when you will need it!!