Who are the people in government?
Introduction Who are the people in charge of our government? Hi! This is Uncle Sam. I'm here to teach your school about our Government and the people running our government. But, I made a mistake and forgot all my presentation posters! I need your help! I want YOU to help me research some answers for the school. You need to prepare to teach the other kids in your school about the 3 Branches of Government and the people in charge of government. Please help me!
Task Decide how you will help Uncle Sam. Research information about the United States Government using the provided websites.
The Legislative Branch 1.What is the Legislative Branch? 2.Name the officials who represent the State of Alabama at the Senate. 3.How many members make up the Alabama Senate ? 4.How many members make up the Alabama House of Rep? 5.Who are the officers of the Alabama State Senate? 6.Who are the officers in the Alabama State House of Representative? 5/government/national/legislative.html
The Executive Branch 1.What is the Executive Branch? 2.List 5 things a president can do. 3.List 5 things a president cannot do. 4.Who is the current president of the United States? 5.Who is the current Vice President of the United States? 5/government/national/execu tive.html /whistlestop/teacher_lessons/ 3branches/17.htm
The Judicial Branch 1.What is the Judicial Branch? 2.How many Justices serve on the United States Supreme Court? Name the women justices. 3.Name the Chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. 4.How many Justices in the Alabama Supreme court? Name the chief justice. 5.What are the responsibilities of the Supreme Court? 5/government/national/judicial.html 5/government/national/scourt.html ranch_supremecourt.htm mbers.aspx
Local and State Government 1.Describe the City of Montgomery government. 2.Who is the mayor of Montgomery? 3.Who is the governor of Alabama? 4.Who is the Lieutenant governor of the State of Alabama? 5.Name the Alabama Secretary of State. 6.Name the Alabama Attorney General. v/index.aspx?page=641 al/secondary.jsp?id=branches Government erheader/Welcome.do?url=htt p://governor.alabama.gov/
Evaluation The total score for the American Government Web Quest is 100 points. The following will be evaluated: Correctly answer all the questions from The Task. ( Executive-20 points, Judiciary-20 points, Legislative-40 points, Local government- 20 points)
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