Integrated Literacy Assignment Mayra Bermejo SST Fall 2014
GLCE- Market Economy 1-E Distinguish between producers and consumers of goods and services 1-E Describe ways in which Families consume goods and services 1-E Using Examples, explain why people cannot have everything they want (scarcity) and describe how people respond (choice)
Songs Consumers and Producers Tune: The More We get Together Goods and Services Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Websites Brainpop Educators A Variety of Activities for teachers to use in the classroom
Videos School House of Rock: Where the Monkey Goes Illustrates examples of how families use goods and services and demonstrates scarcity. Goods and Services Explains what goods and services are
Books Caps for sale By: Esphyr Slobodkina The Giving Tree By: Shel Silverstein The Doorbell Rang By: Pat Hutchins
Poetry By: Joann Griffin Toys for Me Demonstrates scarcity
Lesson Plans Show Me Economics Use examples in book to distinguish between goods and services. We are producers and Consumers Students will recognize ways in which their families function as consumers and producers.
Game Matching Game Students will match up consumers and producers.
Citations Amandapanda3003. (2011, June 12). School House of Rock: Where the Money Goes. [Video File]. Retrieved from Brainpop Educators. Good and Services Activities for Kids. [Website]. Retrieved from activities-for-kids/?bp-jr-topic=goods-and-services activities-for-kids/?bp-jr-topic=goods-and-services Council for Economic Education. We are Consumers and Producers. [Website]. Retrieved from Crain, C. D. Toys for Me. National Council on Economic Education. Econedlink. [Website]. Retrieved from Griffin. J. Goods and Services. (Website). Retrieved from Hutchins, P. (1986).The Doorbell Rang. Green Willow Books: New York, NY. Kids Econ Posters. Consumers and Producers. [Website]. Retrieved from Shepard Elementary School. Show Me Economics. [Website]. Retrieved from ns__1_/goods%20and%20services.html ns__1_/goods%20and%20services.html
Citations Cont. Silverstein, S. (1964). The Giving Tree. New York, NY: Harper & Row. Sitlerl. Producer and Consumer Matching Game. [Website]. Retrieved from Slobodkina, E. (1987). Caps for Sale: A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and their Monkey Business. China: Harperr Collins Smith, C. & Ison, K. (2006). Goods and Services. Kids Econ Posters. [Website]. Retrieved from Super Teach Girl (2013, November 1) Good and Services- Economics- Social Studies. [Video File]. Retrieved from 0wpE&list=PLGflbouZ6YXAjaRjNk3CEWSeZ68DqMeoA&index=3http:// 0wpE&list=PLGflbouZ6YXAjaRjNk3CEWSeZ68DqMeoA&index=3 Shepard Elementary School. Show Me Economics. [Website]. Retrieved from ns__1_/goods%20and%20services.html ns__1_/goods%20and%20services.html Kids Econ Posters. The Basic Posters: Original 22. [Website]. Retrieved from he_Basics_Posters&submenu=Posters he_Basics_Posters&submenu=Posters