Automated Sanitation Collection Program Do’s and Don’ts No loose garbage will be collected No loose garbage will be collected Cart must be placed curbside, a maximum of 6 feet BEHIND the curb Cart must be placed curbside, a maximum of 6 feet BEHIND the curb Lid must be fully closed Lid must be fully closed Handles must face the house Handles must face the house Carts must be separated by at least 2 feet Carts must be separated by at least 2 feet Only side loader carts can be used Only side loader carts can be used Cart can not be placed behind parked cars or adjacent to fixed objects Cart can not be placed behind parked cars or adjacent to fixed objects
Automated Sanitation Collection Program Do’s and Don’ts Recycling bins and cart placement: When household trash collection and recycling fall on the same day, place the recycle bins to the opposite side of the driveway away from the trash cart. Recycling bins and cart placement: When household trash collection and recycling fall on the same day, place the recycle bins to the opposite side of the driveway away from the trash cart.
No Loose Garbage
Max. of Six Feet from Curb
Cart Must be Behind the Curb
Lid Must be Fully Closed
Handles to Face House
Must be Separated By a Minimum of Two Feet
Only the Specific Sideloader Container Can be Used
Cannot be Behind a Parked Car
Too Close to Fixed Object
Correct Cart Placement