Confidential and Proprietary Copyright © 2014 The Nielsen Company Poster Test Germany 25 March 2014
Upside down Sister Graveyard Which poster makes you most interested in seeing the film in a cinema? Kids When asked to choose between the 2 posters, Kids overwhelmingly chose ‘Upside Down Sister’ as the one that would most interest them in seeing the film in the cinema. With ‘Upside Down Sister’ kids were also more likely to believe that the sequel would be as good as the first movie (12% vs. 9%) and found it to be more differentiating/original than ‘Graveyard’ (13% vs. 8%). ‘Graveyard’ was a bit more polarizing. While it was able to drive curiosity in the movie and cast (25-29% v %), ‘Graveyard’ came across as more ‘boring,’ ‘too crowded,’ ‘typical,’ ‘confusing,’ and made the film look younger. 49% of kids liked upside downs sister element 29% of kids says they’ve seen Vampire Sister
Upside down Sister Graveyard Which poster makes you most interested taking your child to see the film in a cinema? Parents Overall, parents also preferred the ‘Upside Down Sister.’ Though among those who have seen Vampire Sisters there was more parity between Parents than Kids – 6% vs. 24% difference between the 2 images. Again, ‘Upside Down Sister’ came across as more differentiating/original (13% vs. 8%). Parents also were more likely to view Vampire Sisters 2 as ‘a fun film to watch’ than with ‘Graveyard’ (10% vs. 5%). – However, ‘Upside Down Sister’ did come off as more confusing than ‘Graveyard’ (12% vs. 4%) Parents said ‘Graveyard’ came across as more ‘boring,’ looking too similar to the first film, and too young as compared to ‘Upside Down Sister.’ 27% of parents says they’ve seen Vampire Sister