Harry’s Queue Patterns Chris Meyer: Joe Stinolis: Mark Burchnall
Objective Analyze queue patterns outside of Harry’s Chocolate Shop. Will create side by side bar graphs for female and male wait times by time of day. To prove or disprove that females have shorter average wait times. To determine the peak 15-minute interval and peak hour for Harry’s Chocolate Shop
Site Location Located at the corner of State St and Pierce St in West Lafayette. Harry’s is frequented by students and faculty alike.
Date Collection Plan Date for Data Collection: Thursday October 22, 10pm- 1am. 1-hr intervals with 15-min data collection bins. Photos of the line will be taken at the beginning of every new bin. One person observing at a time to avoid double data collection. Times will be recorded as the beginning of a full minute (ie. 22:47:51 is recorded as 22:47) Recording time for groups begins when first group member enters the line and ends when the last member enters the bar. Groups broken down into numbers of males and females
Results Average Wait Time Over Entire 3 HoursMale: 00:41Female: 00:38
Results Total Entrants Over Entire 3 HoursMale: 293Female: 163
Results 22:00 22:15 22:30 22:45 23:00 23:15 23:30 23:45 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45
Interpretation of Results Time frame was a very appropriate Weather was not conducive to venturing to a bar. Temperature was in the high 50s and October 22 experienced 1.63 inches of rain, much of which occurred during the evening ( Weather aside, it was a typical Thursday with no special events to positively or negatively affect the queue patterns.
Interpretation of Results Peak Hour occurred from 23:45 to 00:45 with 140 males, 76 females, and 216 total. The Peak 15-Minutes occurred at 00:15 to 00:30 with 38 males, 29 females, and 67 total. However 00:30 to 00:45 was only 1 person less.
Average wait time closely correlate with the number of entrants, with few outliers. Over the entire three hours, males averaged a wait time of 41 second and females averaged 38 seconds. This is not significant to make any conclusions. Interpretation of Results
Opportunities for Improvement Increase length of study interval. Based on previous experience and observation, we decided to collect data from 22:00 to 01:00. Repeat the studies over multiple days to minimize the effects of variables such as weather, special events, and academic calendar. Use more precise data measurements. We anticipated more people and longer wait times. Our method was based on that assumption