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Text book Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim: Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage, 3rd Edition, 2015, Oxford University Press.
A SSESSMENT S TRATEGY AND G RADING S CHEME Assessment CriteriaWeight Attendance5% Class participation5% Midterm 115% Midterm 215% Quizzes10%10% Case Study/Assignment10% Term Paper + Presentation20% Final Exam20%
Numerical ScoresLetter GradeGrade Points 93 and aboveA A B B B C C C D D1.0 Below 60F0.0 I** Incomplete0.0 W** Withdrawal0.0
Attendance & Participation- Bonus marks will be given. Attendance will be taken in five random days. Quizzes- Best 3 out of 4. Group Project- TBA. Deadlines- Must be maintained strictly. Make-up Exam- Only extreme situations might be “considered”. Any make-up taken will be comprehensive. Etiquette- Please be quiet during lectures unless, of course, class participation is required. And be punctual.
1. Holistic marketing concept. 2. Consumer buying decision process with example 3. Business portfolio analysis; BCG Matrix & Product/market expansion grid with example 4. Product Life Cycle with example. 5. Maslow’s hierarchy of need with advertisement. 6. Brand personality with advertisement. 7. Digital Marketing in modern business. 8. Word of mouth and its influence.