Business Acceleration Program Fall 2015 Session 3 September 24, 2015
Check in
Course Outline Weeks – Long Term Focus Weeks – Quarterly to Monthly Focus Weeks – Nuts and Bolts of running your business Weeks – Gaining Traction
8 Questions from Traction What are your core values? What is your core focus? What is your 10 year target? What is your marketing strategy? What is your 3 year picture? What is your 1 year plan? What are your quarterly Rocks? What are your issues?
10 Year Target
Your Marketing Strategy
Don’t try to be all things to all people… …a focused effort will enable you to sell and close more of the right type of work.
Marketing Strategy – 4 elements Your Target Market Your 3 Uniques Your Proven Process Your Guarantee
Target Market Demographic Geographic Pyschograpic Define your target market(s) Come up with a List of ideal characteristics
3 Uniques Unique Core Differentiators Unique Selling Propositions What makes your company stand out from the competition? No one else can do these 3 the way you do
Proven Process~ Document “The way we do things here”
Guarantee Pinpoint an industry wide problem, and solve it.
Your 3 Year Picture
Action for the week Traction Read Pages Start filling in Vision Traction Organizer with what you have identified so far Action Review/Revise your 10 Year Target Keep playing with 10 Year Projection Tool Work on Marketing Strategy –Your Target Market –Your 3 Uniques –Your Proven Process –Your Guarantee
Next Week 1 Year Target 90 Day Rocks
Contact and Connect Linnea Blair Office: Web: Twitter: AdvisorOnTarget