Lighting the path of success so that others may follow! The Lenoir County Early College PHOENIX March 17, 2008 Vol. 1, No. 2 Greetings, Parents and Guardians! Lenoir County Early College High School has completed the initial work in forming a parent/teacher/student organization and offers thanks to some dedicated and hard-working parents and guardians. On February 15 th, ten parents met at the school to begin planning how to get more parents involved in the life of the school, how to raise money for the school, and how best to organize a group. A follow-up meeting was held on Tuesday, March 4 th, to hear progress reports. Becky Oliver and Jo Ann Miller approached the Maury Correctional Facility about used computers. They got in touch with the State of North Carolina to determine how the school could purchase used computers for student use. B. J. Koonce and Ellisha Barber reported their discussions about the next general meeting. Jennie Davis and Joyce Miller provided information on the cost of purchasing T-Shirts with the school name and logo to use as a fundraiser. Tasha Johnson graciously agreed to serve as Treasurer. Kathryn Pacha will serve as liaison between the school and the organization. PARENTS!! GUARDIANS!! We need you!!! Introducing “P4K – People for Kids” Open General Meeting for Parents, Guardians, Teachers, and Students!! The Parent Planning Team finalized our new parent, teacher, student organization on Tuesday, March 11 th. The organization’s name is P4K. The organization is for parents, guardians, teachers, students, and even interested community leaders. The bylaws (with a few changes) were adopted, officers elected, general meeting planned, and fund raisers discussed. The officers for the organization are: Co-Presidents: Ellisha Barber B. J. Koonce Vice President: Rebecca Miller Secretary: Kathryn Pacha Treasurer: Tasha Johnson Hospitality Chair: Tamara Carter Organization Liaison: Kathryn Pacha We still need YOU to volunteer and participate. Under Construction P4K Meeting Planned for Parents, Guardians Students and Staff Thursday, April 24 7 p.m. – LCC Campus – Building and Room TBA
Lighting the path of success so that others may follow! National Honor Society Induction of Members On Thursday, March 20 th, Lenoir County Early College High School will hold its first induction ceremony for the newly formed chapter of the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society (NHS) and the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) are the nation's premier organizations recognizing outstanding middle level and high school students who demonstrate excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The NASSP-the preeminent organization and national voice for middle level and high school leaders-also sponsors the National Association of Student Councils (NASC), which promotes and provides leadership development opportunities to prepare and empower students to serve their schools and communities. ( Students must have an un-weighted grade point average of 3.25, pass three of four core courses, and have a passing grade in their college class. The PHOENIX March 17, 2008 Vol. 1, No. 2 Brooke Rivers Leona Harris Ishmael Lewis Karen Valle Genesis Valle Bailey Stepps Alaina Seachris Silvia Garcia
Lighting the path of success so that others may follow! Congratulations!!! to Miranda Artis Miranda Artis has been selected to attend the Legislator’s School for Youth Leadership Development’s 2008 Summer Institute. The Legislators' School for Youth Leadership Development is a summer residential program, and is funded by the North Carolina General Assembly to target young leaders within our state. Approximately 150 students from Eastern North Carolina will have the opportunity to attend this school on the campus of East Carolina University located in Greenville, North Carolina. Operated by the College of Education, this program will work to enhance leadership and communication skills, as well as develop conflict resolution and problem-solving strategies in teenagers. This is a very special accomplishment for Miranda. The PHOENIX March 17, 2008 Vol. 1, No. 2
Lighting the path of success so that others may follow! March 3, 2008 Vol. 1, No. 2 “I Am Poem” Miranda Artis I am special and full of beauty. I wonder if the world will become a better place. I hear ocean waves. I want to be someone out of life. I am special and full of beauty. I feel like love is covering me. I touch the sky. I worry about my health. I cry about not making good grades. I am special and full of beauty. I understand I will always be God’s child. I say children are the key to our future. I dream that I’ll be happy because I am married with many children living the life I want to. I try to do better at school grades and events. I hope that my good dreams come true. I am special and full of beauty. “I AM” Mercedes Rich I am the quiet girl in the corner I wonder if the people around me can see me I hear all the voices around me I want to be in with those voices I am the quiet girl in the corner I pretend to be happy I feel as if I am blaming myself for this cause I touch my soul to see if I can still feel it I worry that I will never be accepted I cry thinking about how lonely I am I am the quiet girl in the corner I understand that I may never be accepted I say that I don’t care that I may not be accepted I dream that I will be accepted though I try to make friends that are different than me I hope that one day I will feel like I belong I am the quiet girl in the corner The PHOENIX Mercedes and Miranda graciously allowed us to share these. Thank you for allowing us to share your innermost feelings!