DETAILS Time Period ▫Covers 2015! ▫2 nd semester last year & first semester this year Due Dates ▫Will be published over the Christmas Break ▫You will complete your assignments over this week ▫The final will be put together on Thursday Final ▫AM newsletter and PM newsletter will be merged. ▫Best stories STAY! Purpose ▫Marketing to 8 th grade recruits ▫Information for community stakeholders ▫For our partners: OH, OCTC, school districts, etc.
AVAILABLE TOOLS Previous newsletters Newsletter examples & “how-tos” LSA image bank on photobucket ▫Username: LifeScienceAcademyKY ▫Password: LifeScienceAcademyKY Publisher tutorials and directions
CONTENT REQUIREDOPTIONS New course: BI (seniors) Christmas World Vision (AM) Social Media Updates (AM) Community Project: WFC College Trips Dr. Emani Anna’s Case (AM) LSA student accomplishments (AM) Interview(s) with biomedical professional(s) Interviews with LSA students LSA friendships Favorite Labs Impetus for creation of the LSA: Medically underserved communities Other articles of your choosing! Anna’s Case (AM) Summer Science Workshops and/0r NanoDays at the Museum Greater Owensboro 2065 Initiative
Today Decide on EditorsSelect Article & Organize Content Article length Formatting Grammar & spelling Deadlines By-lines Groups of 3-4 Check with editors on approximate length Always include by-line Include at least one photo with caption All LSA photos are available online
Social Media Facebook ▫lifescienceacademy Twitter ▫LifeScienceAcad ▫Lifescienceacademy Vine ▫LSA2015 Tumblr ▫Lifescienceblog Instagram ▫lifescienceacademy ▫LSA123 Youtube
AM Assignments Editors: Chelsea, Cassie and Sid Christmas Campaign: Neil, Jenna & Hannah Brag Page & EoC: Kat, Savanna, Isaac, Danielle, Caitlyn Social Media ▫Facebook: Beca & Adrianne ▫Tumblr: McKenzi, Makenzie, Olivia, Ashton ▫Twitter: Miranda, Naomi, Carly & Rayvin ▫You Tube: Cade, Jack ▫Extra Curriculars: Marie, Dolly, Jacob, Kaylee Summer Biomed Activities: Ibby, Neil, Cameron, Riliegh, Halle Anna’s Death?: Brooklyn, Grace, Mallory & Abbie? Favorite Labs: Emily, Julia, Lyndsey, Faith, Jack WFC: Alexis & Lily Biomedical Professions: Maya, Georgia
PM Assignments Editors: Sam, Tara & Rose Emani: Annie, Gracie, Christiane, Coleena Brag Page: Sydney, Ivy, Erin, Amy Student Interviews: Emma, Alison, Kate. Mya Biomedical Professionals: Wayne Favorite Labs: Samantha, Keely, Gracie College Trips: Aman, Satya, Will, Jamison Friendships: Kayla, Ally Jokes: Christian, Emma, Hallie