HMIS and PSH: Receiving Referrals from the One List Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative
Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative: Data Veterans Housed per Month
Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative: Data The One List Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative One List (remaining to be housed) – Current as of 2/15/ Total Housed from 1/1/15 – 12/31/16—Counted Once Per Year1784 Total Housed from 1/1/15—1/31/16—Counted Once per Month1615 (HMIS Data Only)
Ending Veteran Homelessness Initiative: Data The One List
One List: Generation of a “by name list” of homeless Veterans in Chicago How does an individual show up on the One List? U.S. Military Veteran Status is “yes” Housing Status is “homeless” Entry into an Emergency Shelter Entry into Outreach Project with Housing Status as “homeless”
One List: Generation of a “by name list” of homeless Veterans in Chicago How is an individual removed from the One List? Veteran is housed – enters a Permanent Housing Project or an update is completed for RRH or SSVF to indicate that the Veteran is permanently housed Individual is found not to be a Veteran Veteran does not reside in Chicago Veteran is not homeless and does not need housing assistance Veteran has not had contact with any project in HMIS in the preceding 90 day period.
One List: Housing Prioritization and Matching
One List: Matching After a match has been made in HMIS, your designated contact person will be ed and virtually linked to the person who completed an assessment with the Veteran This person may be someone who will continue to work with the Veteran such as a transitional housing provider, or this person may have only met with this individual once in such places as the VA hospital or at a drop-in center
Referrals from the One List
Referrals from the One List: Guidelines for attempts to gain contact with Veteran Initial Contact: Housing providers should attempt to contact the Veteran (and household) for a period of 5 weeks from the date of the match Contact Veteran at least three times using a variety of means during different days/weeks Contact Veteran via phone and subsequently by Current Housing Provider/Case Manager/Outreach Worker should be notified of the request to contact and meet with the Veteran Communication via mail
Referrals from the One List: Updating the Referral Need Status in HMIS The updating of the Need Status allows for the updating and coordination of referrals to Housing Providers. In addition, the details outline the current needs or barriers that may be impacting a single provider or the system in connecting Veterans to housing. Update the Need Status within two-business days of receipt of the referral Need Status Glossary New option added: PSH – Veteran completed Intake and awaiting Unit (Move-in and HMIS Entry) Continued Updating of the Referral Need Status
Referrals from the One List: Guidelines for attempts to gain contact with Veteran Steps to take when challenges exist in contacting Veteran: Change the Need Status to Need additional support/help contacting Client The project will maintain the match and will contact the Veteran within two week periods
Referrals from the One List: Requesting assistance in contacting Veteran Housing providers can ask for assistance from the Community Team in finding the Veteran during the five week period in which they are working to gain contact with the Veteran Update Need Status to “Need additional screening/support/help contacting client” Prior to this selection: Veteran should be contacted by using all available means Notification should be made by at least Thursday to allow details to be reviewed during Community Team Meetings each Friday
Referrals from the One List: Requesting assistance in supporting follow through Housing providers can ask for assistance on behalf of a Veteran who needs support with attending appointments and collecting their documentation. To do so, please the HMIS ID with this request to Stephanie at A referral will then be made to the Center for Housing and Health Outreach(CHH), and CHH will assign an outreach worker to the Veteran and notify you of this match. The outreach worker cannot perform the duties of a housing locator.
Thank you! Kimberly Schmitt Stephanie Sideman Johnna Lowe