If you want to have a meeting With Him, you can sit with his Kids! (Then the righteous will answer Him, saying Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink You, or thirsty and give You drink And the king will answer and say to them Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, You did it to Me.) Matt 25: 37,39 فيجيبه الابرار حينئذ قائلين.يا رب متى رأيناك جائعا فاطعمناك.او عطشانا فسقيناك. فيجيب الملك ويقول لهم الحق اقول لكم بما انكم فعلتموه باحد اخوتي هؤلاء الاصاغر فبي فعلتم
1. I am not the parents / priest (He said to him, “Follow Me.” Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”)John 21:19,22 ولما قال هذا قال له اتبعني فالتفت بطرس ونظر التلميذ الذي كان يسوع يحبه يتبعه فلما رأى بطرس هذا قال ليسوع يا رب وهذا ما له قال له يسوع ان كنت اشاء انه يبقى حتى اجيء فماذا لك.اتبعني انت 2. I cannot revive a society 3. It is so hard 4. I don’t have time for this. 5. They are not going to change! It is a waste of time!
Is God is your # 1 in your life ? Do you Love Him indeed? Did you ask Him to help you? Ask Him to open your eyes to see the fruits Ask Him to give you the key to open the hearts It is not by power, nor by might but by spirit, Says the lord of hosts. Ask and it will be given to you like St-Paul who Opened the hearts of cities and build churches for The Glory of God.
Why? God sent me to His people as he Send His prophets: - Joseph to his brothers Then he said to him, “Please go and see if it is well with your brothers and well with the flocks, and bring back word to me.” - Jeremiah to the children of Israel - The disciples to the Galilee -Moses
3 stages: 3 stages: 1 - Before visitation - I submit my self to God - I submit my self to God - I remember my weakness - I remember my weakness - I ask for God’s grace - I ask for God’s grace 2. During visitation - Take the spirit of prayers with you - Ask God to take the lead 3. After visitations Handed-in the souls of the kids in God’s Hands
1. Plant the word of God in the 1. Plant the word of God in the Hearts of the kids - Not a social time - Not a social time 2. I communicate/ react with them - I live among them - I live among them 3. I uplift their spiritual life 4. I pray for them 5. I will be a good example
اخيراً... هل ذقت قبلات الأب السماوى... لتقول مع عروس النشيد... ” ليقبلني بقبلات فمه لان حبك اطيب من الخمر.“ ( نش 1 : 2) ( نش 1 : 2) “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth For Your love Is better than wine.” (Sgs 1 : 2) Finally… have you tasted the heavenly Father’s kisses… and can you say with the bride of the (Song of Solomon)